Version: 31.0.1 Released: January 18th Download Installer Download via Bittorrent Download Zip View on GitHub Previous Releases Downloads powered by The macOS release of OBS Studio supports macOS 11.0 and newer. Version: 31.0.1 Released: January 18th Download Installer (x86_64/Intel) Download Insta...
需要把D:\OBS\obs-build\cef_binary_3.2987.1601.gf035232_windows64\Resources下的所有资源文件拷贝到OBS的rundir目录下:D:\OBS\obs-build\obs-studio\build\rundir\Release\obs-plugins\64bit Release版本,需要D:\OBS\obs-build\cef_binary_3.2987.1601.gf035232_windows64\Release下的文件拷贝到OBS的rundir目录...
点开Qt VS TOOLs-Qt Options,在里面添加msvc2015_64的路径。2.4 OBS安装2.4.1 下载OBS源码 (obs studio) (obs classic)2.4.2 下载依赖库 VS2013: VS2015:
OBS Classic VS2017 build with newer libx264 (win7+ 64bit only) - GitHub - craftwar/OBS: OBS Classic VS2017 build with newer libx264 (win7+ 64bit only)
官方链接。 OBS有OBS Classic和OBS studio两个版本。OBS classic是早期版本,已经不再维护和更新。现在推荐使用的是OBS studio版本,是在OBS经典版的基础上重构实现的,使用了更好的模块设计,提高了性能,同时支持DirectX和OpenGL渲染,还支持了多个平台。UI使用了QT制作皮肤。
官方链接。 OBS有OBS Classic和OBS studio两个版本。OBS classic是早期版本,已经不再维护和更新。现在推荐使用的是OBS studio版本,是在OBS经典版的基础上重构实现的,使用了更好的模块设计,提高了性能,同时支持DirectX和OpenGL渲染,还支持了多个平台。UI使用了QT制作皮肤。
OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) is free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. Stream to Twitch, YouTube and many other providers or record your own videos with high quality H264 / AAC encoding.
While it’s a popular choice for a lot of users, and some consider it the original classic recorder to stream live videos on Twitch, it does lack some features. Before you decide to download the OBS video recorder, consider a few factors: ...
OBS(Open Broadcaster Software,开放广播软件),免费的开源音视频软件,用于音视频记录和实时流媒体播放。目前的OBS为obs studio版本,它是跨平台重构后的版本,对比原始版本obs classic。 官网: git地址: ...
OBS Classic still had aCLR Host Plugin, but with OBS Studio writing plugins in C# wasn't possible anymore. This has changed as of recently. With the release of .NET 7 that includes NativeAOT it is now possible to build native code libraries that can be loaded by OBS Studio. This reposit...