No rescaling. I watched many youtube videos about recording with OBS but didn't find anything :( pernad Thread May 31, 2024 capture recording Replies: 2 Forum: Windows SupportB Is it possible to get All-Intra (All-I) capture through OBS...
capture audio from a single application stops working after application-restart First I was happy to read that finally, the Mac-Version of OBS is able to capture desktop audio and even audio of a single application without additional software (as you can read here:
OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) is free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. Stream to Twitch, YouTube and many other providers or record your own videos with high quality H264 / AAC encoding.
audioaudioapplication captureaudiodistortionespañolspanish Replies: 0 Forum:Windows Support R Help with Audio distortion I'm new to forums and OBS as well, and just got my Mirabox and was trying it out. Im not very knowledgeable about this program nor others but I can give the last log th...
m3uvlcvlc video sourceyoutube Replies: 0 Forum:Windows Support D How to remove music from YouTube VOD (safe audio track) ? Hi guys, I have a question for you! I really want to stream on YouTube, and I already stream on Twitch. My OBS Studio is set up and works great on Twitch,...
audiocapturefacebookfacebookliveliveaudiolivemusicmultiple video capture devicesstreamvideo captureyoutubeyoutubelive Replies: 0 Forum:Windows Support T Can someone please reference me to some code that would only capture audio? Hi guys! I'm building a new product, and I need to stream the audio...
OBS, or Open Broadcasting Software, is a completely free broadcasting program you can use to record all types of media. Many streamers use OBS to capture their gameplay or webcam footage and stream it live to viewers. However, have you thought about using OBS to record audio only?
audioobszoomzoom+ obs Replies: 3 Forum:Mac Support M VERY Choppy Video using Zoom Hi there, I run an interview channel on YouTube where I bring in guests virtually. Currently I am using Zoom to communicate with the guests and a window capture of that Zoom window to bring the guest into...
audioautomaticcompressorexpander.limiterpluginreleasescriptsoundvolume Replies: 2 Forum:Windows Support How to play a game and automatically switch on the navigator capture while alt-tabing Hi, as you guys know these days we have a wiki for many games and I would like my audience to see what ...
facecamgame capture black screenoverlaytransperacy Replies: 0 Forum:Windows Support L Time or Clock Overlay Hello everyone, i created this thread just for reminder to myself and sharing to you! I found how to make date time or clock overlay throught Browser Sources Just visit this website, ...