1、降低推流码率: 8000 ——> 6000(1080P码率最好不低于6000) 2、降低推流分辨率:1920*1080 ——> 1280*720 3、降低帧率:60fps——> 30fps 三、关掉游戏模式和游戏栏 否则Windows会将所有GPU优先级分配给正在播放的任何游戏,并剥夺OBS的GPU资源。 禁用了win10系统里面的游戏栏和游戏模式后就好了。
| 854×480 | 25fps | 1500-2000 | 移动网络或老旧设备 | 2. 关键设置项 - 输出模式: - 简单模式:直接选择平台预设(如“Twitch”或“YouTube”)。 - 高级模式:手动调整编码器、码率、关键帧间隔。 - 动态码率(Adaptive Bitrate):勾选后自动调整码率,缓解网络波动影响。 - 关键帧间隔:设为2秒(与平台推...
I'm currently doing streaming tests, to see if I can get to stream with a decent quality, and got to stream at 1080p50fps, with bitrate set on 6000-8000. Everything runs smoothly when... Morasby Thread Jun 6, 2020 1080p60 60fps low framerate Replies: 4 Forum: Windows Support D...
I know 1500 kbps is way too low for a decent 1080p encoding, my goal was just to have a common comparison basis as well as not going too high in bitrates, since it is my opinion that it's the streamer duty to enforce a cap on bitrate (you have to take into account your viewers...
假如预设选择了速度,你画面是1080P@60FPS,那么这时它给你预设的是level4.2,而你的画面简单、但是速度极快,既想要速度带来的快速编码,由想要超高码率,那么就需要单独设置level=5,如果用120FPS,那么就要设置level=5.1。 以上只是假设,不一定是实际含义,预设以后会另开一篇单独讲他对画面的影响。
1. What is a good OBS bitrate for 1080p? When streaming 1080p videos, the best bitrate would be between 3,500 and 6,000 Kbps. Aim for the lower end of the range when using standard OBS frame rate settings of 30fps, ideally between 3,500 and 5,000 Kbps. Aim for a bitrate between...
Encoders, Bitrate, Resolution and Framerate Overview Encoding is all about compressing images. The smaller the size of the image, the less we must compress it and the more quality it keeps. While the same applies for framerate, a viewer can really notice a drop in FPS but not so much ...
FPS: Enter the FPS appropriate for your Upload Speed and Bitrate, as we discussed in the previous section. Stream Tab Settings Select the streaming platform you wish to connect to. You will have the option of signing into your service with your login credentials. Another method is to enter ...
7.2 设置比特率 (7.2 Setting Bitrate) 比特率决定了视频的清晰度和文件大小。在“输出”选项卡中,您可以设置视频比特率。对于720p的视频,建议设置比特率为2500-5000 Kbps;对于1080p的视频,建议设置比特率为4500-9000 Kbps。 八、直播设置 (8. Streaming Settings) ...
renders significantly less well. AMF uses GPU resources for its work, and if the GPU is already fully occupied rendering a game, AMF doesn’t get enough power and starts to lag massively. Recordings made with AMF usually contain some graininess, regardless of how high you push the bitrate. ...