Galerias São Rafael presents the exhibition MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S 29 July of 2021byArtworksLeave a comment It will be presented on the next day 30 of July at 6 pm the MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S virtual exhibition, promoted by Galerias São Rafael. The exhibition will be broadcast live on the offi...
Exposição reunirá 24 artistas em São Paulo; obras são baseadas nas músicas de Breno Ruiz, que se apresenta com voz e violão no vernissage. Entre os dias 18 e 31
Fino Oyonarte ... Self 1 episode, 2014 Richard MacDonald ... Self 1 episode, 2014 Hajo Schüler ... Self 1 episode, 2014 Francesc Massip ... Self 1 episode, 2014 Mar García ... Self 1 episode, 2014 Patrizia Ciofi ... Self 1 episode, 2014 Xavier Obach ... ...
I painted in a self-taught way for many years, but I realized that she was much more of an entrepreneur than a painter. I went to live in Buenos Aires and there was born Universo Art Kids and then Universo de las Artes, today we are the best known and most respected international ar...
The expansion of the Renaissance to other European countries, in the Cinquecento, meant the culmination of the period, when the humanistic spirit inArtstrengthened, bringing to evidence great artists, such as Michelangelo (1475-1564) and Rafael Sanzio7(1483-1520). During this period, the great ...
Spartan - Retaliation” is the first edition of a miniseries in 3 parts. Personagem e Arte de Adriano Sapão. Now, a Editora Kalima tem a honra de apresentar
With this initiative, rises to R $5.865.000,00the total for the cultural background in financing via 2019. The figure rises to R $ 13,2 million when added the total applied since 2017, first year of Rafael Greca management. The notices are published for each area insite of the C...
下个星期六, 27/8, CEU São Rafael 举办音乐会,由市交响乐团和抒情合唱团演奏伟大的古典作品, 以钢琴和声乐为主 24 德月德 2022 通过艺术作品 发表评论 市政环项目, 圣保罗市剧院巡回演出, 功能, 连同他们的艺术团体的音乐会, São Mateus São Paulo 桑巴和合唱管弦乐队的表演, 22 八月 2022 – 八...
A programação do evento – produzido pelos alunos do Núcleo de… 圣拉斐尔美术馆: 在柏林墙和通往自由之路之间 25 de May de 2021 通过艺术作品 发表评论 拉斐尔美术馆(SãoRafael Galleries)是一家艺术画廊,将人道主义和奢华艺术圈与精英和奢华艺术圈交叉, 促进交流和文化意识. 为了让新兴艺术家有...
Dj Ilka Oliver 和音乐制作人 Mystical 评论巴西文化场景和艺术家每天面临的困难 音乐是全世界数百万人生活中不可或缺的一部分. 《Veja》杂志的数据显示,, 没有巴西, 在 2020, 流媒体平台的订阅者数量已经达到 … 直接来自整个巴西的 Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas 的古典音乐 ...