Nonlinear oblique interactions between two slightly dispersive gravity waves (in particular, solitary waves) of dimensionless amplitudes alpha 1 and alpha 2 (relative to depth) and relative inclination 2 psi (between wave normals) are classified as weak if sine squared psi much greater than alpha ...
Obliquely interacting solitary waves Reactivation of an obliquely rifted margin, Campos and Santos basins, southeastern Brazil Modular roller-top conveyor belt with obliquely-arranged rollers The resonant instabilities of long waves obliquely incident on a beach ...
Dai Shi-qiang ,.The Generalized Boussinesq Equations and Obliquely Interacting Solitary Waves in a Stratified Fluid.[J];Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,1984-04DAI Shi- qiang. The generalized Boussinesq equations and obliquely interacting solitary waves in a stratified fluid [J ] . Applied ...
Simulation of Obliquely Interacting Solitary Waves with A Hard Wall by using HAWASSI-VBM and SWASH Modelreflectionoblique wavesolitary waveHA WASSI-VBMSWASHIn this paper we discuss the comparison of numerical simulations of solitary waves, reflected from a rigid wall under an angle, using the HAWA...
The generalized Boussinesq equations and obliquely interacting solitary waves in a stratified fluid [J ] . Applied Mathematics and Mechanics ( English Edition) , 1984 , 5 (4) :1469 - 1478.DAI Shi-qiang. The generalized Boussinesq equations and obliquely interacting solitary waves in ...