It is then advanced under direct visualization or fluoroscopic (X-Ray), for example, into areas of the spine including lumbar (low back), thoracic (mid and upper back) and cervical (neck). The pathologies encroaching upon the spinal space can then be visualized wherein the epidural membrane ...
Analysis of technique on double oblique positions of lumbar vertebrae; 腰椎双斜位摄片技术分析 更多例句>> 5) cervical vertebra oblique position 颈椎斜位6) oblique film 斜位片 1. Analysis of oblique film in X-ray diagnose for patients with rib fracture; 斜位片在肋骨骨折X线诊断中意义分析补充...
Liu L, Liang Y, Zhang H, Wang H, Guo C, Pu X, et al. Imaging Anatomical Research on the Operative Windows of oblique lumbar Interbody Fusion. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(9):e0163452. Article PubMed Google Scholar Wiltse LL. The paraspinal sacrospinalis-splitting approach to the lumbar spine....
Patients with degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis (DLS) often suffer from years of low back pain (LBP) due to instability of the lumbar spine and the reduction of disc height. Since January 2016, we have performed oblique lateral interbody fusion (OLIF) on 154 patients. Among these, 56 patien...
To investigate biomechanical properties of posterior transpedicular–transdiscal (TPTD) oblique lumbar screw fixation whereby the screw traverses the inferior pedicle across the posterior disc space into the super-adjacent body and lateral trapezoidal interbody spacer. Methods Eight fresh–frozen osteoligament...
L2–L5TranspsoasAnte-psoasThe oblique lateral approach to the lumbar spine (L2–L5) has the benefits of lateral positioning while avoiding the morbidity of the transpsoas approach. The lateral position allows the peritoneum...doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-2465-3_34Hynes, Richard A....
It is then advanced under direct visualization or fluoroscopic (X-Ray), for example, into areas of the spine including lumbar (low back), thoracic (mid and upper back) and cervical (neck). The pathologies encroaching upon the spinal space can then be visualized wherein the epidural membrane ...
Oblique Lateral Interbody Fusion Combined With Different Internal Fixations in The Treatment of Degenerative Lumbar Spine Disease: A Finite Element Analysisdoi:10.21203/ ZhangZhengpeng LiuChenshui LuYilong Zhang
SPINE diseasesORTHOPEDIC implantsSPINAL fusionNEUROSURGERYRETROSPECTIVE studiesMAGNETIC resonance imagingINTERVERTEBRAL diskCOMPUTED tomographyObjective To evaluate the clinical effect of oblique lumbar interbody fusion (OLIF) surgery using anchored spacers in patients with lumbar...
The oblique anterolateral approach to the lumbar spine provides access to the lumbar spine with few early complications. Mehren C,Mayer HM,Zandanell C,et al. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research . 2016Mehren C, Mayer HM, Zandanell C, et al. The oblique anterolateral approach to the ...