n. A word or phrase in a sentence referring to the person or thing receiving the action of a transitive verb. For example, in English, inmail the letterandcall him, letterandhimare direct objects. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by...
with a memory or re-enact the tortuous process of calling upon memories only to have their expectations of remembering thwarted or delayed, as evidenced in the many amnesiacs that populate the films, namely in Juliette, Letter from an Unknown Woman, and While I Live, which I explore in ...
First, if viewing a face-like stimulus (i.e., the cartoon face) is necessary to enhance the detection of three-dot stimulus being seen as a face, we should observed the comparable detection performance in the face and triangle task in Experiment 3, which should be lower than tha...
All partitions must be assigned a drive letter between C and Z. Is the statement true or false?Literate programming helps software run faster. Is the statement true or false?True or False : The difference between a dataword, k, and a codeword, n, is that the ...
CountryISO2 CountryISO2 string The 2-letter country abbreviation. PostalCode PostalCode string The US postal code of the IP address. MetroCode MetroCode string The numerical metropolitan code for the DMA of the IP address' location. DMA DMA string The Designated Market Area for the location...
You can easily copy the shadows applied to an object to other objects using Paste Appearance. Press Ctrl+ C on the object that has the shadow applied, and then press Ctrl+Alt+V (Paste Appearance) on the destination object.When you generate design specs, shadows in them are converted to CS...
N-Gram: Breaks down an element into 3 letter grams. Word-Soundex: Breaks down in words (space delimited) and gets Soundex encode using the Apache Soundex library Value: Nothing to break down here, just uses the element value as token. Useful for Nearest Neighbor matches ...
Check if a string contains a letter Check if a user has FullControl on a folder Check if an array is in another bigger array using linq. check if an element that have Attribute with matching Value EXIST or NOT in XDocument?? Check if application being run from any Remote Desktop Conne...
“X-O” letter comparison task (Salthouse et al.,1997). A surprise-free recall test was then administered. The participants were given a sheet of paper and had 5 min to write down the names of all the objects they remembered regardless of the faces that had accompanied them. The entire ...
To map precisely the life-span trajectory of this key visual computation, in a series of experiments, we compared the performance of observers from ages 4 to 86 years on displays of objects that either obey or violate possible 3D structure. The major findings indicate that the ability to ...