Preparation of shaped objects, filaments, and the likedoi:US2436156 AUPSON ROBERT WILLIAMUSUS2436156 * 1943年8月19日 1948年2月17日 Du Pont Preparation of shaped objects, filaments, and the like
Free hand hitting behavior in gorillas is another example of (intentional) attempt for stone breakage by a non-human primate, even though in our case this did not (and could not, due to material properties) produce sharp stone objects like in wild11or captive capuchins13. However, to date,...
Notice that the points are constrained to the top edge as they are dragged. Moving both sets of points results in a simple perfect triangle. Tip An even easier way to create such a triangle would be to use the Gengon primitive found among the Extended Primitives. Preserve UVs UV coordinates...
10, involving 12 concepts and three super-categories: Square, circle and triangle. We iterate over all super-categories (in Fig. 10 mid, square) and differentiate between element (square) and non-element (X). Using this binarization, we can decide between true-positive, false-positive, false...
根据第四段In images streamed as the impact neared,the egg-shaped asteroid grew in size from a little spot on screen to have its full rocky surface come quickly into focus before the signal went dead as the craft hit right on target.(在撞击临近时流传的图像中,这颗蛋形...
英语翻译As well as shoes and boots,the museum also exhibits shoeshaped objects.The variety is unbelievable.For example,there is a metal lamp that resembles a pair of shoes,and Greek wine bottles that look like legs!
Maps of the Aurignacian sites across Europe and the Near East. (a) Each triangle indicates an archaeological site where artifacts carrying geometric signs were found. A density plot is overlaid with high (red) and low (yellow) densities of sites. (b) Zoom into the areas yielding most objec...
If a triangle has already been generated, the user can also touch the triangle to select the triangle, then pull up the fingers to extrude the selected triangle to form a triangular prism. The CAD program can be configured to recognize a 3D gesture input that includes touching a 2D object ...
liquid droplets are often flattened into disc-like shapes19and rapidly atomizatized43. The dynamic behavior of particles in a Bessel shaped field are not simple as unlike the microfluidic cases considers to date27mass and inertia play an important role. Further complexity comes from the fact that...
form, supporting young refugees from a distance, while new ties contributed to what is needed in their present and at their current age. Experiences of relational wellbeing transcended time and space between their disrupted places of origin, their experiences on the journey, and settling in their...