The Jackson ObjectMapper can read JSON into Java objects and write Java objects to JSON. This Jackson ObjectMapper tutorial explains how to use the Jackson ObjectMapper class.
public <T> T convertValue(Object fromValue, TypeReference<?> toValueTypeRef) throws IllegalArgumentException { return (T) _convert(fromValue, _typeFactory.constructType(toValueTypeRef)); } 该方法用于用jackson将bean转换为map 例子: List<SObject> sObjects = new ObjectMapper().convertValue(map.get...
* Serialize a list of objects with a particular set of attributes *@paramview *@return*@throwsIOException */publicJsonNodejsonSerialization(Class view)throwsIOException{ ObjectMapper mapper =newObjectMapper(); DateFormat myDateFormat =newSimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS"); ...
ObjectMapper supports dot notation within keys for easy mapping of nested objects. Given the following JSON String: "distance": {"text":"102 ft","value":31} You can access the nested objects as follows: funcmapping(map:Map){distance<-map["distance.value"]} ...
type里记录的都是值对象的类型,例如string,hash,list,set,zset。可以通过命令TYPE key 来查询。 encoding记录底层数据结构类型。可以通过命令OBJECT ENCODING key 来查询。 编码方式有如下 /* Objects encoding. Some kind of objects like Strings and Hashes can be ...
public <T> T convertValue(Object fromValue, TypeReference<?> toValueTypeRef) throws IllegalArgumentException { return (T) _convert(fromValue, _typeFactory.constructType(toValueTypeRef)); }该⽅法⽤于⽤jackson将bean转换为map 例⼦:List<SObject> sObjects = new ObjectMapper().convertValue(...