doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2021.127013Victoria Campbell-ArvaiMark LindquistUrban Forestry & Urban Greening
Community groups and urban forestry activity: Drivers of uneven canopy cover? Urban forests provide a range of environmental, social, economic and health benefits, but because the distribution of canopy cover is uneven across many me... TM Conway,T Shakeel,J Atallah - 《Landscape & Urban Planni...
The Public-Private Partnerships in Buildings Regeneration: A Model Appraisal of the Benefits and for Land Value Capture This paper discuss the thematic of public-private economic negotiation in the realization of urban regeneration programs. The Complex Urban Programs (PUC) ... F Calabrò,LD Spina...
【JIS日本标准】JIS A1541-2-2006 Building Hardware-Locks and Latches-Part2-Methods of the presentation and grade of criteria for practical performance item 热度: Goals,Objectives, andPerformance Criteria LearningOutcomes nBeabletodistinguishgoalsfrom ...
urban systems and must not be considered in isolation (Global Rangelands: Progress and Prospects, CABI Publishing 2002). The world reknown legal expert George Wimble was humorously quoted as saying, "This great expanse of rangeland involves no shoreline and therefore no need for an experienced ...
Elliott examines three central issues in this article published originally in 1980: (1) the interdependence between fact and value; (2) policy objectives as a social fact, subject to explanation; and (3) evaluation of policy objectives. His concern however is more with identifying questions and ...
Impacts of urban forests on offsetting carbon emissions from industrial energy use in Hangzhou, China This study quantified carbon storage and sequestration by urban forests and carbon emissions from energy consumption by several industrial sources in Hangz... Z Min,ZH Kong,FJ Escobedo,... - 《Jo...
Centre for Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, UK《Urban Forestry & Urban Greening》Atkinson, G., Doick, K. J., Burningham, K., & France, C. (2014). Brownfield regeneration to greenspace: delivery of project objectives for social and environmental gain...
significant differences in median CEs for pairs of FTSs. The case study involves three (federal, state, and private) forested areas in Flathead County, Montana, USA, three FTSs (i.e., Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) Priority; CWPP & Wildland-Urban Interface Priority; and No ...
By assessing the place of these forest-based practices within larger practice 'complexes' (such as farming, urban employment, family recreation), we demonstrate disconnections to current incentive programmes, which are largely oriented towards professional farmers or foresters. We found that study ...