People interested in job clubs should look for advertisements in a newspaper's careers or help wanted section. If just starting a job club, placing an ad will increase membership and attract people outside of your established network. The more members in a job club, the more opportunities you...
The Source of Rotary Foundation Funding;地區 Districts;如何建立一個扶輪社年度捐獻目標?;你如何達成扶輪社 年度捐獻目標? How do you achieve the club’s Annual Giving goal?;你如何達成扶輪社年度捐獻目標?;“兩種需求,兩種捐獻的方法” 是什麼意思? What does “Two Needs, Two Ways of Giving” mean?
EREY EREYEREYEREY 扶輪基金會資金的來源 TheSourceofRotaryFoundationFunding 地區Districts 扶輪社Clubs 你You 2005~08年間第4B地帶地域扶輪基金協調人邵偉靈RRFCDens提供 EREY EREYEREYEREY 你如何建立一個 扶輪社年度捐獻目標?Howdoyouestablish aclubAnnualGivinggoal?
扶輪基金會 The Rotary Foundation 扶輪社募款 Club Fundraising 國際扶輪3520 地區 2006年地區扶輪基金研習會 2006 District Rotary Foundation Seminar D3520, RI E R 學習的目的Learning Objectives: E Y E ? 瞭解扶輪基金會資金的來源 R ? 瞭解扶輪基金會接受什麼樣的捐獻 E Y ? 瞭解扶輪社募款的指導原則...