If the management by objectives strategy is not adequately set, decided upon, and controlled by organizations, self-centered workers can be likely to misinterpret results, wrongly portraying the achievement of short-term, narrow-minded goals. Additional Resources Thank you for reading CFI’s guide ...
目标管理(Management by Objectives)就是为每一名员工制定具体的目标任务,并以这些既定的目标去激励、引导、比较员工的工作绩效。 目标管理的目的是,将组织整体目标逐级转化位下属单位和个人的子目标,形成一个完整的目标考评体系,以此来提高组织绩效。 最理想的情况是,由于组织的重视与投入,每一名员工都非常清楚自己的工...
Management by objectives opens a window onto organizational strategy. nuttakit / © Veer In many organizations, it's hard to remember a time when non-managerial employees were kept in the dark about strategy. We're often reminded about the corporate mission statement, we have strategy meetings...
Management by Objectives (MBO) is a management theory that emphasizes setting goals, defining domains for objectives, and conducting performance evaluations to improve performance and enhance staff satisfaction. AI generated definition based on: Inherent Strategies in Library Management, 2017 ...
Self-Interest Another disadvantage ofmanagement by objectivesis that it can result in self-interest. Primarily because it often promotes competition between team members. So, team members may focus on achieving their objectives without considering other aspects of the business. ...
3.目标管理与自我机制( Management by Objectives and Self Control) 4.知识工作者( Knowledge Worker) ... ja.scribd.com|基于4个网页 2. 目标管理与自我管控 概念四:目标管理与自我管控(Management by Objectives and Self Control) 企业绩效要求每一项工作都必须以达到企业整体目 …www.co-in.com.tw|基于2...
Understanding the Purpose of Management by Objectives The underlying principle of providing an MBO bonus is to increase autonomy and self-motivation among employees. Whether an individual is more money- or purpose-driven, MBO software helps streamline employee targets with organizational goals, leading ...
The MBO is most suitable for knowledge-based enterprises where the staff is quite competent of what they do.Specially, if the management is planning to implement a self-leadership culture among the employees, MBO is the best way to initiate that process....
When properly implemented, management by objectives and self-control is an effective philosophy of management. It has been used with positive results in both private and public service institutions. It does not substitute for sound management; rather, it provides the discipline and the process needed...
Nevertheless, it should be noted that Drucker's approach of Management by Objective is no short of criticism. Therefore, it should be treated as one of the many possible approaches for performance review. Feel free to read other parts of our guide for supplement....