b. "Evaluating Inflation Targeting as a Monetary Policy Objective for India," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, 29 (4): 1053-63.Mishra, A. and Mishra, V. (2012), Evaluating infla- tion targeting as a monetary policy objective for India, Economic Modelling, 29 (4), 1053-1063....
One of the major driving factors in the shifting of the present grid paradigm to an active grid network is the reliability and resiliency of the utility network. With hefty investment in the distribution network protection and maintenance, the reliability of the feeders is considerably enhanced; how...
Opponents of the financial market stability goal of monetary policy believe it may be difficult for the Federal Reserve, or any central bank, to achieve this goal. Explain their argument. In Sept/08 would you recommend Washi...
Economists and policy-makers have traditionally considered gross domestic product (GDP) as a good indicator of well-being in society, mainly because it is strongly linked with the standard of living indicators [1]. However, GDP has been criticized as a weak indicator of well-being and, therefor...
(i.e. financial, social, and environmental) accounting method to evaluate the sustainability of a project in order to select the best renewable energy technology in the mining industry. The financial, social, and environmental values were engineered in order to determine a monetary value for a ...
Apart from reducing emissions, a VPP enhances the monetary benefits to all its participants, including the DER owners, participants, and utility personnel. In this paper, the multi-objective optimal scheduling of the VPP problem considering multiple renewable energy resources has been solved using the...
The Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) reduced the policy repo rate from 6.50% to 6.25%. In this Macro Flash Note, Economist Sam Jochim summarises the reasons behind the rate cut and discusses the outlook for monetary policy in India. Sam Jochim 3 min ...
Monetary policyThis study formulates a small open economy model for India with exchange rate as a prominent channel of monetary policy. The model is estimated using the Instrumental Variable-Generalized Methods of Moments (IV-GMM) estimator and evaluated through simulations. This study compares ...
Apart from reducing emissions, a VPP enhances the monetary benefits to all its participants, including the DER owners, participants, and utility personnel. In this paper, the multi-objective optimal scheduling of the VPP problem considering multiple renewable energy resources has been solved using the...