The simple homogeneous asset environment consists of \(N=8\) components. Each component \({{\,\text{c}\,}}_{i}\) can either be in one of five states, with each state being progressively worse than the previous state. When the component is in the last state, the component is failing...
We sought to establish the validity of the clusters identified by comparing them with known risk factors for problematic video gaming involvement (i.e., Big Five personality traits, self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and trait impulsivity; for the selection of these candidate risk factors, see ...
On Defense– “I think the defense will be much better this year. I think the scheme fits the personnel much better than it did last year….The scheme change is as big a factor as any of the personnel changes…..However, given the lack of depth and the injury concerns, there is a ...
About a Fire 2023, 6, 1 3 of 16 50,000 ha portion of the Umatilla NF has been prioritized for watershed-level restoration as part of the five-year forest action plan [43], and the fuel breaks for these areas were not Fire 2023, 5, x FOR PEER REVIEW ...
(3) One hundred and fifteen third-year medical students completed the lifestyle medicine OSCE station in the Internal and Family Medicine Clerkship. The generalizability coefficient and Phi-coefficient based on the number of encounters (P = 115), facet 1 (nfacet1 = 10 assessment tool checklist ...
When the overlap value was 0.050, only one optimal solution with an idle capacity of 0.4715 can be obtained with considering two objectives, but five reference optimal solutions with different coverages and idle capacities can be obtained when considering three objectives (Figure 8a). Similarly, ...