lack of foundation, 物证的来源或真实性存疑; fruit of the poisonous tree, 有毒之树的果实,指非法获得的证据; imcomplete, 证据不完全,比如说只有某种文书的一部分内容而不是全部; best evidence rule, 在能取得文件原件的情况下,其复印件即不符合最佳证据原则。 如果你把一部律政剧从头追到尾,极有可能这些...
lack of foundation, 物证的来源或真实性存疑;fruit of the poisonous tree, 有毒之树的果实,指非法获得的证据;imcomplete, 证据不完全,比如说只有某种文书的一部分内容而不是全部;best evidence rule, 在能取得文件原件的情况下,其复印件即不符合最佳证据原则。如果你把一部律政剧从头追到尾,极...
(putting words in the mouth of one's own witness), calls for a conclusion (asking for opinion, not facts), compound question (two or more questions asked together), or lack of foundation (referring to a document lacking testimony as to authenticity or source). An objection must be made ...
appeal the ruling(上诉).Objections are also commonly used in depositions(宣誓作证)during the discovery(证据展示) process to preserve the right to exclude testimony from being considered as evidence in support of or in opposition to a later motion, such as a motion for summary judgment.summary ...
The plan from the outset was to put in place the Reagan economic program(69)the major priority and foundation for every major(70), domestic and foreign. Tax cuts were high on the president’s agenda, and work began, on a huge "get well" program for the nation’s defenses. ...
(IR) 80mmmesh/ticklerchains 1.Ourconcernfortheuseof80mmmeshsizescombinedwithlackofdiscarddataforthe4UoCsis appreciatedbytheadjudicator.Weunderstand,thatinthiscasetheMSC-RBFapproachneedsto beapplied,whichwasnotdonebyIMM. 2.Theuseofticklerchainshasasignificantlyincreasedlevelofnegativeimpactcomparedtonot using...
(n= 41) of these participants, I will argue that while the theoretical basis of the EO may be disputed, its existence and ‘felt presence’ amongst families living with SMA significantlyinfluencesthe way they approach- and manage- prenatal testing decisions. For such families, the EO not only...
(MSC)certificationoftheDutchNorthSea PlaiceandSoleFishery. 2.AnobjectiontothecertificationofthisfisherywassubmittedbyWereldNatuurFonds(WNF), NorthSeaFoundation(NSF)andWorldwideFundfornature(WWF)-SmartFishingGlobal Initiativeon12thJuly2011. 3.TheIndependentAdjudicator(IA)requiresthatIMMistoreconsideritsFinalReport...
No Regrets suffers from a lack of establishing the basic foundation of their main character in the context of the story, and Levi’s barely existing voice falls on deaf ears. It lacks any real conflict or stakes in the beginning – when character motivations and ideologies are important and ...
(putting words in the mouth of one's own witness), calls for a conclusion (asking for opinion, not facts), compound question (two or more questions asked together), or lack of foundation (referring to a document lacking testimony as to authenticity or source). An objection must be made ...