This server is created as a new member of the existing cluster that is specified by the cluster id parameter, and contains attributes that are specified in the member attributes parameter. The server is created by using the server template that is specified by the template id attribute, and...
fnd[1].header:0x95001C10 specifies that theFileNodeis of type "RevisionManifestListReferenceFND", that it contains 3 bytes of data beyond the header, that the data begins with a compressed reference to another part of the file, and that a file node list can be found at that other file ...
Starts with 2 letters that are specific to each country/region, followed by a maximum of 12 digits or letters. Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia...
Limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix. List objects in a bucket (v1) curl -X "GET" "https://s3.$$BUCKET" -H "Authorization: Bearer $IAM_TOKEN" Copy to clipboard List objects in a bucket (v1) public static void...
OOM always starts the MAPI spooler during logon. MAPI client applications that run as Windows Service applications must follow several limitations when they signing in to the MAPI subsystem. Because Outlook wasn't designed to run as a Windows Service application, these conventions aren't followed....
If you throw an exception that extends or is an instance of HttpException, RxStack will use the appropriate HTTP status code. Otherwise, the response will have a 500 HTTP status code: // my-project/src/app/controllers/lucky.controller.ts import {Injectable} from 'injection-js'; import {Http...
along the axis mentioned and returns that as the output.For Example: .. code-block:: text Case 1: Given: = {[[0.6, 0.1, 0.3], [0.5, 0.3, 0.2]], [[1.3], [1.8]], [[2.3, 2.1], [2.5, 2.4]]} axis = 1, use_stack = False Then: = [[0.6, 0.1, ...
If the endpoint url starts with "https" a SecureAMFChannel will be used, otherwise an AMFChannel will be used. Two special tokens, {} and {server.port}, can be used in the endpoint url to specify that the channel should use the server name and port that was used to load ...
For other browsers: If eventName starts with the string "on", the string is removed from the event name to support browsers that have different naming conventions. (For example, "onclick" is changed to "click, and "onblur" is changed to "blur".) No action is taken if the event that...
Each context has a set of properties associated with it. The properties are the component services that a context supports. A context-bound object will share a context with its client only if the client's context has the services that the component requires; in other words, the context has ...