A hybrid chaos-based algorithm for data object replication in distributed systemsReza GhanbarzadehAlireza RouhiAsgarali BouyerPeri Gunesbahman.arasteh@istinye.edu.trBahman Arasteh
In distributed systems, object replication is used to improve the availability and performance of applications in the presence of failures. When determining the configuration of a replicated object (i.e., number and location of replicas), a number of often conflicting factors need to be considered...
Eternal: Fault Tolerance and Live Upgrades for Distributed Object Systems object replicationApplication softwareThe Eternal system supports distributed object applications that must operate continuously, without interruption of service, ... LE Moser,PM Melliarsmith,P Narasimhan,... - Darpa Information Survi...
Distributed systems make heavy use of references to objects, which provide a location mechanism as well as potentially supporting lo-cation and access transparency. Sophisticated implementations of refer-ences may have integrated garbage collection, or support usage monitor-ing for load balancing and for...
Object-oriented technologies are frequently used to design and implement distributed applications. Object replication is a well-established approach to increase the dependability for such applications. Generic replication infrastructures often fail to me
Data replication: To ensure the availability of your business, you may need to migrate data across different data centers. Operational reasons: You have compute clusters deployed in two different data centers that need to analyze the same group of objects. You can store object replicas in the tw...
A method, system, and computer program product for improving the performance of distributed object systems. A remote object is replicated to the node of the distributed system from which it is accessed. The scope of the replication is a transaction. Thereafter, method invocations on the object oc...
Service replication is a key to providing high availability, fault tolerance, and good performance in distributed systems. Various replication schemes have been proposed which are based on two streams of techniques, namely passive replication and active replication. The paper focuses on two implementation...
blades, as well as replication and file system rollback for its Purity//FB software.Pure Storage also enables users to adopt next-generation technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, to maximize the value of their data.In 2020, Pure Storage acquiredPortworxfor $370 ...
Create global namespaces in seconds Deploy a single S3-compatible namespace that scales to petabytes of unstructured storage capacity. No minimum storage capacity required. Enhance your data security Protect data with replication, encryption, WORM, and immutability. Use object versioning for deeper stor...