The object recognition test (ORT) was developed to assess the role of brain structures and neurochemical systems in memory processes in rodents, mainly rats and mice. It is based on spontaneous exploratory behaviour; hence it does not require prior training of animals. It has been widely used ...
The X-ray object recognition test (X-ray ORT) - a reliable and valid instrument for measuring visual abilities needed in X-ray screening Aviation security screening has become very important in recent years. It was shown by Schwaninger et al. (2004) that certain image-based factors influence...
The present study investigated the effects of tamsulosin (and biperiden, an amnesic drug) on cognitive performance in the object recognition task (ORT). Tamsulosin (0.001–0.01 mg/kg) was orally administrated in mice at three distinct time points: pre-training, post-training and pre-test ...
I am developing a system for 3D object recognition using the point cloud library. I want to apply an ESF descriptor to a data set that I have stored locally. I am giving the folder containing data to the program as an argument. I am attaching the code for reference. ...
5.Karen Simonyan and Andrew Zisserman, “Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition,” 2014, G. Howard, Menglong Zhu, Bo Chen, Dmitry Kalenichenko, Weijun Wang, Tobias Weyand, Marco Andreetto, and Hartwig Adam, “MobileNets: ...
Safety assurance of automated driving systems must consider uncertain environment perception. This paper reviews literature addressing how perception testi
backend_test: False deploy_config: configs/mmdet3d/voxel-detection/ pipeline_ort_dynamic_kitti_fp16: &pipeline_ort_dynamic_kitti_fp16 pipeline_ort_voxel_dynamic_kitti_fp16: &pipeline_ort_voxel_dynamic_kitti_fp16 convert_image: *convert_image backend_test: ...
recognition strat- egy of histogram matc hing using the w ell-kno wn � 2 div ergence [12] b et w een t w o histograms Q and V : � 2 (Q; V ) = X i (q i � v i ) 2 q i + v i : (3) Our test database consists of 30 free-form ob jects 1 (Figure 4)....
the additional effort may well be justified [2]. From the domain of automatic speech recognition, there are also various methods known to reduce the necessary amount of computations. 2 Classification of Single and Multiple Objects In this section, starting from the classical Bayes’ rule...
Using the object recognition test (ORT), this study assessed the effects of two PDE2 inhibitors, Bay 60-7550 and ND7001, on learning and memory, and examined underlying mechanisms. Methods To assess the role of PDE2 inhibition on phases of memory, Bay 60-7550 (3mg/kg) was administered:...