OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITYOBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN JAVAMS 5003 01FALL 2009DR. JOHN GOULDENSYLLABUSOffice Room Number:Meinders 118CPhone:208-5042E-mail:jgoulden@okcu.eduOffice Hours:Tuesday and Thursday9:00–12:00Class Meets:Monday and WednesdayLecture9:00–9:50Lab10:00–10:50Class Room ...
This course is part of theIntroduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java Professional Certificate. Syllabus - Introduction to Java - Why Object-Oriented Programming? - Basics of Object-Oriented Programming - Using Predefined Classes - Basic Console Input and Output ...
Course 2 of 4 in theIntroduction to Application Development Specialization Syllabus WEEK 1 Introduction to Object-Oriented Concepts and Design This module will introduce the core concepts of Object-Oriented Programming, and will briefly contrast a procedural, structured, programming approach with an objec...
Hence, you gain reusability by means of four main object-oriented programming concepts. In order to clearly understand the object orientation model, let’s take your “hand” as an example. The “hand” is a class. Your body has two objects of the type "hand", named "left hand" and "...
principles of the object model inform the Java programming language,and to usethis understanding to sharpen your skills in object-oriented programming.Course Outline:This course adopts a three-pronged approach:We will work on some analysis and design problems, based on methods presented in our ...
CSCI4448 - Object Oriented Analysis and Design SyllabusSpring 2014Course Information Meeting Time: TuTh 3:30 - 4:45 PM Class Location: ECEE 1B32 Instructor: Dana Hughes Email: Dana.Hughes@colorado.edu Office: ECCS 102 (during official office hours only) Office Hours: Monday 1:30-2:45 PM...
COMP 3705 : OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMINGSYLLABUSInstructor:Oscar Hasbun,ohasbun@cs.du.eduOffice:JGH 325Office phone:303-871-3302Office Hours:MW 5:30-7pm and by appointmentGTA:Jeff Edgington,jedgingt@cs.du.eduOffice:JGH308Office phone:303-871-2283Office Hours:TTh 2-3 pm, W 12-3 pmand by...