The SQL implementation is very much like PL/SQL in Oracle. Development in SAP can now become more object-oriented with theintroduction of ABAP Objects. Another recent extension of the ABAP language is the use of HTML and XML, which are supported by the SAP Web Application server. It appears...
在ABAP面向对象的程序中, 对象的识别和寻址是通过对象引用来实现的, 对象引用变量可以访问对象的属性(attributes)和方法(method). 语法简单介绍如下: abap中使用class /endclass语句进行类定义,且有声明部分和具体实现部分组成,类声明部分中包含类成员(具体包括类的属性,方法和事件等)的名称及说明,类的实现部分则包含...
1, 类的继承 ABAP 所有的类都是默认继承了系统中的空类 OBJECT. 具有一般性的类称为基类(Superclass), 其各个子类称为派生类(Subclass). 在类定义时, 使用 INHERTING FROM 附加项可以指定派生类和基类之间的继承关系. CLASS c2 DEFINITION INHERITING FROM c1. ... ENDCLASS. 1 2 3 CLASSc2DEFINITIONINHE...
ABAP Object Oriented Programming REPORT ZHEF_ABAP_OBJECTS_EXAMPLE2. *** * Local classes Example 2 * Using enheritance * Raising and handling events *** ***
Identical (identically-named) methods behave differently in different classes. In ABAP Objects, polymorphism is implemented by redefining methods duringinheritanceand by using constructs calledinterfaces. Uses of Object Orientation Below are some of the advantages of object-oriented programming: ...
As discussed in the previous postABAP Object Oriented Approach for Reports – Initial Design(which got very good response – 14 comments and counting), I see lot of developers following bad design while trying to use Object Oriented. This I generally refer as Pseudo Object Oriented as this desi...
TYPE REF TO后面可接的通用类型只能是data(数据引用)或者是object(对象引用)通用类型,其他通用类型不行 1.12.1. 数据引用Data References DATA: drefTYPE REF TOi ."dref即为数据引用,即数据指针,指向某个变量或常量,存储变量地址 CREATE DATAdref.
ABAP Object-oriented programming Library Installation Manually create the dictionary types listed below Use the source based class editor and regular editor to import all classes, interfaces and programs. Some packages use a message class. The messages are saved in the .messageclass.txt files. Create...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi together, I have developed a report and I tried to do it in a object oriented way. I'm still in a "transition phase" coming from procedural ABAP to object-oriented ABAP. The report is doing exactly what it should do, so I need no help in func...
ABAP Object是SAP R/3 4.0版本之后发布的概念,该概念有双层含义。一是指整个ABAP运行时的环境,另一方面代表ABAP语言中新增加的面向对象部分。 1. 运行时环境 用ABAP Objects表示ABAP运行时的环境,意味着SAP系统本身也逐步趋向以面向对象的方式实现,并将进一步“面向对象”化。引入面向对象后的ABAP Workbench由不同的...