Object-oriented Design Object-oriented Design 格式:PDF 页数:16 上传日期:2012-02-06 11:48:44 浏览次数:6 下载积分:900 加入阅读清单 还剩15 页未读,是否继续阅读? 此文档由 言弱稀 分享于 2012-02-06 请拖动滑块继续阅读 不看了,直接下载
Object-Oriented Design Heuristics 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 面向对象经典书籍,一书在手,其他的书籍可以不用读了. 唯一的缺点在于其中的C++的问题就用了一半的内容,这部分内容很明显是多余的. 评分☆☆☆ 面向对象经典书籍,一书在手,其他的书籍可以不用读了. 唯一的缺点在于其中的C++的问题就用了一半的内容...
Chapter 1: 面向对象设计原则(Object Oriented Design Principles) 原则一:开闭原则(Open Close Principle) 原则二:单一职责原则(Single Responsibility Principle) 原则三:依赖倒置原则(Dependency Inversion Principle) 原则四:接口分离原则(Interface Segregation Principle) 原则五:迪米特法则(Law of Demeter) 原则六:里氏...
Bug Report Form If you have found a bug in the book or in the code, then please send a report. Unfortunately, I cannot reply personally to each report, but I do read all your comments. Your name: Your email address: Edition:
Object Oriented Design HeuristicsObject-Oriented Design HeuristicsArthur J. RielCopyrightPrefaceAcknowledgements Chapter 1. The Motivation for Object-Oriented ProgrammingSection 1.1.Section 1.2.Section 1.3.Section 1.4.Section 1.5.Section 1.6.Section 1.7.Glossary of Terms ChapterParadigmSection 2.1.Section 2.2....
Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Design in UML 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Object technology is increasingly recognized as a valuable tool in application development, but what is not yet recognized is the importance of design in the construction of robust and adaptable object-oriented (OO) ...
Object-oriented Design Object-orientedDesign(面向对象设计)Designingsystemsusingselfcontainedobjectsandobjectclasses(自包含的对象和类)©IanSommerville2000 SoftwareEngineering,6thedition.Chapter12 Slide1 ThreehierarchyofObject-Oriented Object-OrientedLanguage(语言)Object-OrientedSoftwareEngineering(方法...
面向对象设计(Object-Oriented Design,OOD)www.cnblogs.com/amingo/p/6836140.html OOD简介 Shubho:亲爱的,让我们开始学习OOD吧。你了解面向对象原则吗? Farhana:你是说封装,继承,多态对吗?我知道的。 Shubho:好,我希望你已了解如何使用类和对象。今天我们学习OOD。
Factory method is just a particular case of the factory design pattern. In the same time it is the most known factory pattern, maybe because it was published in the GoF. In modern programming languages the factory with registration is more used. ...