The Open Closed Principle (OCP)1 A module should be open for extension but closed for modification. Of all the principles of object oriented design, this is the most important. It originated from the work of ...
1、面向对象 (1)OOA(Object-oriented Analysis) 面向对象分析——事物的分类、命名、描述。 (2)OOD(Object-oriented Design)面向对象设计——建模 (3)OOP(Object-oriented Programming) 面向对象编程——实现 2、面向对象分析的特点 (1)特征:事物的特征/性状、结构和状态 (2)行为:能力、效果/功效、职责 (3)事...
Class Design in C++By Alex AllainUnderstanding Interfaces When you're designing a class in C++, the first thing you should decide is the public interface for the class. The public interface determines how your class will be used by other programmers (or you), and once designed and implemented...
1:OOA(Object-oriented Analysis) 面向对象分析 事物的分类,命名,描述。 2: OOD(Object-oriented Design)面向对象设计建模。 3: OOP(Object-oriented Programming)面向对象编程实现。 对象:对象是类的一个实例,有状态和行为。例如,一条狗是一个对象,他的状态有:颜色,名字,品种;行为有:摇尾巴,叫,吃等。 类:类...
object-oriented design 面向对象设计;物件导向设计;面向对象的设计 物件导向设计 物件导向设计(Object-oriented Design)建立包含资料和程序的物件后,就可以完成设计。例句筛选 1.And, applying a good "Object Oriented Design" is the key to achieve such asmart design.并且应用好“面向对象设计”是...
It is widely accepted that object oriented development requires a different way of thinking than traditional structured development and software projects are shifting to object oriented design. The main advantage of object oriented design is its modularity and reusability. It's a process of planning a...
object-oriented design [计]面向对象设计[OOD];例句:1.This is a catalog of different object-oriented design patterns.这本书阐述了各种面向对象的设计模式。2.The art of good object-oriented design includes defining minimal, clear, and cohesive public abstractions.好的面向对象设计的艺术在于...
面向对象设计(Object-Oriented Design,OOD) 前言 OOD简介 Shubho:亲爱的,让我们开始学习OOD吧。你了解面向对象原则吗? Farhana:你是说封装,继承,多态对吗?我知道的。 Shubho:好,我希望你已了解如何使用类和对象。今天我们学习OOD。 Farhana:等一下。面向对象原则对面向对象编程(OOP)来说不够吗?我的意思是我会...
Object-oriented Design Object-orientedDesign(面向对象设计)Designingsystemsusingselfcontainedobjectsandobjectclasses(自包含的对象和类)©IanSommerville2000 SoftwareEngineering,6thedition.Chapter12 Slide1 ThreehierarchyofObject-Oriented Object-OrientedLanguage(语言)Object-OrientedSoftwareEngineering(方法...
(Object-OrientedDesign)§1.OOD准则:优秀软件设计的一个重要特点是容易维护回顾:SD准则包括 ModularizationInformationhidingAbstractionModuleindependence 对于OOD有类似的准则:1、Module=Object §1.OOD准则 2、Abstraction:抽出事物的本质特性,暂不考虑其细节,使设计从具体实现方法中超脱。Procedure...