data=Noneprint(data[0])# TypeError:'NoneType'object is not subscriptable 解决方案: 在使用之前检查对象是否为None。可以使用if语句或try-except块来处理这种情况。 代码语言:javascript 复制 data=[1,2,3]ifdata is Noneelsedata # 使用默认值print(data[0])# 输出1 3. 从字典中获取值为None 在使用字典...
自定义序列化方法 class MyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstan...
13. TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable 试图访问一个空对象的某个下标数值。 a = [3, 2, 1, 4] b = a.sort() # a.sort() 对a本身排序,没有返回值,因此b为None print(b[0]) 列表的排序操作是in-place的,原地排序,不会返回新的列表。 如何修改: a = [3, 2, 1, 4] a.s...
If you subscript any object with None value, Python will raiseTypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not subscriptableexception. The term subscript means retrieving the values using indexing. In this tutorial, we will learn what is NoneType object is not subscriptable error means and how to resolve thi...
It appears that you are attempting to perform a subscript operation on an object that you believe to be a list or dictionary; however, upon closer inspection, it turns out that the said object is, in fact, of None type. This situation is commonly referred to as a "NoneType" error, whic...
= 'user.': TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable吃鸡游戏 浏览1834回答1 1回答 Qyouu 你把错误翻译一下,结合debug大约你就可见: request.endpoint[:5] 这里的这个 request.endpoint 很可能为None,然后print(request.endpoint)看看结果,诶,卧槽!果然为None!!! 0 0 0 没找到需要的内容?换个...
'NoneType'objectisnotsubscriptable 1. 获取数据的部分代码是: writer_avatars=(writers_list[wi]['avatars']['small'])# 编剧照片 writer_name_en=(writers_list[wi]['name_en'].replace("\'","\\\'")# 编剧英文名 writer_name=(writers_list[wi]['name'].replace("\'","\\\'")# 编剧名字 ...
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptableobject[index]None 在这种特定情况下,看起来函数正在返回而不是预期的数据框。这可能是由于Tushare API或网络连接出现问题。ts.get_hs300s()None 要修复此错误,您可以尝试以下操作: 查看图共享API文档,以确保您正确使用该函数。get_hs300s() 检查您的网络连接并...
.py", line 323, in <listcomp> [self._poly2mask(mask, h, w) for mask in gt_masks], h, w) File "/home/w/cbn/CBNetV2/mmdet/datasets/pipelines/", line 281, in _poly2mask elif isinstance(mask_ann['counts'], list): TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable ...
video_stream = next((stream for stream in video_info['streams'] if stream['codec_type'] == 'video'), None) TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable AdamShuocommentedOct 4, 2023 me 2 after i've installed the latest t-k ...