S3 object lock functionality revolves around keeping objects free from tampering, either for a set period (retention) or indefinitely until you remove the lock (legal hold). In object storage, data is organized into buckets with shared metadata, so the simplest way to implement Object Lock is ...
S3 Object Lock can help prevent objects from being deleted or overwritten for a fixed amount of time or indefinitely.
Access control using bucket policies or IAM policies is an important part of the Object Lock functionality.New permissionshave been defined for Object Lock. The s3:BypassGovernanceRetention permission is important since it is required to delete a WORM-protected object in Governance mode (it is not ...
Amazon S3 Object Lock blockiert die Objektversionlöschung während eines kundendefinierten Aufbewahrungszeitraums. So können Sie Aufbewahrungsrichtlinien als zusätzliche Datenschutzmaßnahme oder zur Einhaltung gesetzlicher Bestimmungen durc
We recommend using S3 Batch Operations and S3 Object Lock retention when you want to add, change, or remove the retention date for many objects with a single request. Batch Operations verifies that Object Lock is enabled on your bucket before processing any keys in the manifest. To perform ...
I don't see how to enforce MFA Delete and Object Locking in an S3 Bucket. I can't find MFA-Delete in CloudFormation, but ObjectLock is: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket Properties: ObjectLockConfiguration: ObjectLockConfiguration ObjectLockEnabled: Boolean ...
Con Amazon S3 Object Lock, puoi archiviare oggetti in Amazon S3 utilizzando write-once-read-manyun WORM modello (). Puoi utilizzarlo per impedire che un oggetto venga eliminato o sovrascritto per un periodo di tempo fisso o indefinito. Per informazioni generali sulle funzionalità Object Lock...
The MinIO client requires the following parameters to connect to an Amazon S3 compatible object storage: ParameterDescription endpointURL to object storage service. _minio.Options_All the options such as credentials, custom transport etc. packagemainimport("log""github.com/minio/minio-go/v7""github...
You have a frontend application (e.g. a mobile application) that needs to access resources hosted in a S3 bucket. How does it work? Under the hood, the client must first know if CORS is enabled on the server side. It sends a preflight request (OPTIONS request) to the OVHclou...