A CELL PHONE can teach lessons on staying connected to our Source (Jesus) and also about salvation and prayer! A CHALKBOARD or Dry Erase Board can be used to teach a fun interactive object talk on sin and the need for forgiveness. Using a misspelled word shows kids that just because we ...
Categories Camps Children’s Sermon Creative Teaching Ideas Devotional Discussion Questions Drama Ideas Ebooks Evangelism Ideas Food for Thought Game Ideas Humor Icebreakers Improving Your Teaching Inspiration Mentoring Youth Music Object Lessons Parents Ministry Scripture Memory Teaching Illustrations Youth Minist...
Object lessons from the Bible are tied in with the perplexities of modern youth. 文章把来自圣经的教训应用在现代青年所经历的各种困惑之上。 jw2019 Object lessons can be used to create interest, focus the children’s attention, and introduce a gospel principle. 实物教学能引发儿童的兴趣,吸引...
See our other websites for more free ministry resources: sundayschool.store | sundayschool.works | youthgroupministry.com | kids-bible-lessons.org
I’m sure these aren’t the only ways to illustrate the Lord’s prayer but these object lessons will get you started! You can follow Mimi on her blog at Tools for Kids Church. Free Children's Ministry Lessons Worry and Trust Don't Mix: An Object Lesson Object Lesson: The Fruit of Li...
Of those temptations of youth we mentioned previously, which are most difficult for you? What steps can you learn from this lesson to avoid crossing the line from temptation into sin? Say a prayer for God to show you a) ways to FLEE from your personal temptations, b) show you holy thing...