qufu 和 sex你的赋值是对象啊,不是sex[i].value
此例用 document 对象的 getElementsByTagName() 方法 (method) ,取得标签名称为 thead 的 HTMLCollection 对象,文件的第一个 <thead> 元素亦即该 HTMLCollection 索引值为 0 的对象 var d = document.getElementsByTagName("thead");d[0].deleteRow(0);然后呼叫 deleteRow() 删除索引值为 0 的...
Expand table ObjectDescription HTMLCollection Constructor Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLCollection Constructor prototype chain. HTMLDocument Constructor Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLDocument Constructor prototype chain.Remarks...
getElementById()Returns the element that has the ID attribute with the specified value getElementsByClassName()Returns anHTMLCollectioncontaining all elements with the specified class name getElementsByName()Returns an liveNodeListcontaining all elements with the specified name ...
在DOM中根据标签去获取元素的原生api是getElementsByTagName(),它返回的是一个包含所有给定标签名称的元素 HTML集合HTMLCollection[1], 整个文件结构都会被搜索,包括根节点。 我们可以通过document.getElementsByTagName('*')来获取当前文档中的所有标签。 HTMLCollection ...
(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(x, 'baz')); Run Results: { value: 1, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true } { get: get bar() { return 'a'; }, set: undefined, enumerable: true, configurable: true } { value: 2, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true...
* HTMLCollection item(long) method * * param - index - the index of the element to get * return - the HTMLElement at index */JSBooljhtml_collection_item(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval){intindex; ...
getElementById()Returns the element that has the ID attribute with the specified value getElementsByClassName()Returns anHTMLCollectioncontaining all elements with the specified class name getElementsByName()Returns an liveNodeListcontaining all elements with the specified name ...
[object Object]是JavaScript中的一个特殊值,表示一个对象。它通常在控制台输出时出现,表示输出的是一个对象,但没有具体展示对象的内容。 在云计算领域,[object Objec...
the page, we initialize a constant,children, to hold anHTMLCollectionof all the currently loaded cards, which are the current children of thecardContainer. The length ofchildrenalso represents the index (not an array-like index) of the last card, and we store that value in thelastIndex...