然后想用同样的数据再用ggplot2画张图。用p <- ggplot(data=filename, mapping = aes(x=V1))时总显示⚠️Error:’data’ must be a data frame, or other object coercible by ‘fortify()’, not a numeric vector. 补充信息:用head(filename)出来的是一个有两列的matrix赞...
histogram_plot <- function(varnames,binwidth,dataset){ graph <- ggplot(aes(x = varnames),data = dataset)+ geom_histogram(binwidth = binwidth) return(graph) } histgram_plot(viewsCount,50,timeline)+ xlim(c(0,8000)) 代码如上,新建函数 histogram_plot ,调用此函数时报错。已检查 timeline 数...
Error: Can't add `ggplot2::ggsave("temp.png", width = 7, height = 7)` to a ggplot object. I expected my plot to be saved to a file. Cheers, Richel Copy link Member clauswilkecommentedJun 17, 2021 This code is not valid and only worked in the past by accident. See#4513. ...
https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/issues/4513 不用加号了,直接另起一行,用ggsave即可。不要用ggplot(…) + ggsave(…)了 修正后的代码如下: > library(ggplot2) > data.frame(a = rnorm(100), b = rnorm(100)) %>% + ggplot(aes(a, b)) + geom_point() > ggsave("temp.png") Saving 5...
library(ggplot2) print(head(ggplot2::economics_long)) And then continue with: # console renv::init() renv::status() renv::snapshot() # y install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_version("renv", "1.0.0") renv::activate() .rs.restartR() After the last command, to restart th...
Let’s assume that we want to draw a ggplot2 scatterplot showing the variables x and y of our data: ggplot(data$x, aes(x, y))+# False specification in ggplotgeom_point()# Error: `data` must be a data frame, or other object coercible by `fortify()`, not an integer vector# Run...
The output of the previous R syntax is shown in Figure 1: A ggplot2 barchart. The error message does not appear anymore. Video & Further Resources Would you like to learn more about the ggplot2 package and its variety of functions, then please check out the video below, where you get ...
Currently, nine packages in total are included to perform the whole workflow, from raw data processing to biological function mining, and the many graphic functions allow users to generate publication-quality graphics (https://massdataset.tidymass.org/articles/ggplot_mass_dataset). Most of the ...
6). Tips: 代码语言:txt 复制 1. restart R session sometimes when you installed new packages; 2. know your R version, computer system; 3. check package version: Biobase::package_version("ggplot2") 4. 认真对待每一个error,试图去想办法解决。