Whether a value is high or low needs to be read by connecting a sensor to a digital pin of Arduino. A PIR sensor is widely sold in the market. The PIR sensor is not difficult for ordinary people to make. The PIR sensor is cheaper than IR sensors. Since accurate detection is difficult...
ESP32-CAM Object Detection with Edge ImpulseJune 25, 2023 In "ESP32" Huskylens – AI Machine Vision SensorNovember 8, 2021 In "Tutorial" Using IR Remote Controls with ArduinoJanuary 5, 2018 In "Arduino" Summary Article Name Pixy2 - Object Recognition for Arduino Description The Pixy2 is a...
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks Article VisKit: Web-Based Interactive IoT Management with Deep Visual Object Detection Chae-Eun Hwang, Sung-Hun Lee and Jin-Woo Jeong * Department of Computer Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi 39177, Korea; codms50111@naver.com (C....
FMCW radar system;remote sensing;Arduino;through-wall detection 1. Introduction There are numerous radar applications, such as radar-based range-breathing separation, monitoring of the worker activities, biomedical MIMO radars, radar systems for structural health monitoring, hand gesture recognition using ...
Additionally, a gas sensor is attached to alert people of harmful gas from waste and when rain is detected, the rain detection sensor automatically closes the bin. Similarly, sensors have also been used to measure weight and detect the level of waste in the bin [19]. In some instances, ...