3D detection as multi-task learning,3D检测可以看作是一个多任务学习问题,因为它需要一起输出类标签、位置、维度和方向,可以动态调整每个任务的学习权重,以实现平衡学习。 联合训练,2D检测可以作为单目3D检测的辅助任务,并为神经网络提供额外的几何线索。额外的关键点估计任务可以进一步丰富CNN的特征,并利用估计的关键...
detectionmedicalmedical-imagingmedical-image-computing3d-object-detectionpytorch-implementationretina-unet UpdatedJul 11, 2024 Python Star553 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Comprehensive Survey (IJCV 2023) lidarautonomous-drivingautonomous-vehicleskitti-dataset3d-object-detectionnusceneswaymo-open-...
DETR3D: 3D Object Detection from Multi-view Images via 3D-to-2D Queries 时间:21.10 机构:mit/CMU/Stanford TL;DR 一种利用Transformer做E2E的3D目标检测方法,在nuScenes自动驾驶数据集上取得很好效果。 Method 主要创新点在于2D-to-3D Feature Transforms模块,细节如图描述,整个过程多层迭代Refine结果,并且每层输...
Object detection is the ability to identify objects present in an image. Thanks to depth sensing and 3D information, the ZED camera can provide the 2D and …
You may realize this fact thus 3D object detection model is not really frozenable one. (Hopefully they can disclose the original tensorflow ops for v1 so that we can remove both tf.py_func and freeze the model) 6. Run Demo # If you use Pycharm, just click the green run button # If...
该算法用Faster R-CNN接收作为立体输入的左右图像,同时检测、联系两幅图像中的物体;在立体检测网络的RPN后,论文添加了一个用于检测稀疏关键点(key points)、视点(viewpoints)与物体尺寸的网络结构,与左右两图的2D检测框一并作为输入,计算出对应的3D检测框,(个人觉得这个新添加的网络结构是这篇论文的一大亮点?)也许...
For most of the object detectors based on multi-scale feature maps, the shallow layers are rich in fine spatial information and thus mainly responsible for small object detection. The performance of small object detection, however, is still less than satisfactory because of the deficiency of semant...
论文链接:MonoCD: Monocular 3D Object Detection with Complementary Depths 代码链接:https://github.com/elvintanhust/MonoCD 作者:Longfei Yan, Pei Yan, Shengzhou Xiong, Xuanyu Xiang, Yihua Tan 发表单位:华中科技大学人工智能与自动化学院 会议/期刊:CVPR2024 ...
最新综述:3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Survey 链接:https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.10823.pdf 根据输入传感器信号类型,自动驾驶三维目标检测算法可以分为:基于图像的算法、基于激光点云的算法和基于多模态融合的算法。 1.1.1基于图像的三维场景感知 ...