public static <T> String convertToString(T obj) { if (obj instanceof String) { return (String) obj; } else { return obj.toString(); // 如果obj不是String,使用toString()方法 } } 在这个例子中,方法接受一个泛型参数T,并检查它是否是String类型。如果是,它将其转换为String并返回。如果不是,它...
Object[] cannot be converted to String[] 原因: 你应该是想把List数组转 String数组吧! 然后想当然的调用list.toArray()方法。 结果 该方法返回的是Object[]数组,导致类型不匹配! 解决办法: 还在乖乖的用循环吧 // ArrayList<String> list=new ArrayList<String>(); // List<String> list=new ArrayList<St...
I'm receiving the error "Object of class player could not be converted to string" yet I cannot find why what I'm inputting is an object and not a string. As far as I can see it is a string and this error shouldn't be happening, yet it is... A form submit
Android rxjava 中Observable 转型 “incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to …… 关于Observable转型的问题估计应该不少人遇见了吧,我之前也遇见了。 原因: 项目中使用Observable的转型问题是由java version引起的,需要Android Studio支持Java version 8 ,网上解决方案有很多,比如这篇博客 ...
The error message for all the failing requests is: File "transformers/", line 612, in convert_tokens_to_string return self.backend_tokenizer.decoder.decode(tokens) TypeError: argument 'tokens': 'NoneType' object cannot be converted to 'PyString' ...
as an Administrator to /administrator (this does not happen if you are super user) Go to ...
I'm receiving the error "Object of class player could not be converted to string" yet I cannot find why what I'm inputting is an object and not a string. As far as I can see it is a string and this error shouldn't be happening, yet it is......
To reproduce the first problem, edit the first cell, clear the value, and the property will throw a "Please enter category name." exception but the exception in RadGridView1_DataError is Object of type 'System.DBNull' cannot be converted to type 'System....
When I attempt to Transfer items from RadListBox1 to RadListBox2 I receive a javascript error:"Error:Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException:Object of type 'System.Int32' cannot be converted to type 'System.String'." When I clcik the trasnfer button, the "Deleted" event is fired...