This works in Word 2007 and Word 2010. Go to File, Options, Display and check the box to show Object anchors:Keep in mind that anchor symbols just display when you've wrapped text around an image, and only when you have the image selected:...
OptionalObject. The width of the ActiveX control, in points. Height Object OptionalObject.The height of the ActiveX control, in points. Anchor Object OptionalObject. The range to which the ActiveX control is bound. IfAnchoris specified, the anchor is positioned at the beginning of the first pa...
Word Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll Returns a Hyperlink object that represents a new hyperlink added to a range, selection, or document. C# Copy public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Hyperlink Add (object Anchor, ref object Address, ref object SubAddress, ref object ScreenTip, ref...
After placing the object at the specified location, the system determines an anchor location for an anchor for the object and places an anchor for the object in the anchor location.JAY C. CAPELACHRISTOPHER E. RUDOLPHMATTHEW T. SCHOMER
The virtual rectangle is specified either by the <wp:effectExtent> element of the parent <wp:anchor> or, if present, a child <wp:effectExtent> element.The distance of text from each side of the object is specified in attributes on the <wp:wrapSquare> element: distB (distance from the ...
Positioning within a Word Processing Document - Floating ObjectsFloating objects are anchored within the text but can be absolutely positioned in the document relative to the page. They are inserted into a <w:drawing> element with a <wp:anchor> element. The child elements determine the placement...
public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Shape AddShape (int Type, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height, ref object Anchor); Parameters Type Int32 Required Integer. The type of shape to be returned. Can be any MsoAutoShapeType constant. Left Single Required Single. The position, ...
ObjectAnchor ObjectDisplayValues OddFooter OddHeader OlapProperties OldCell OldDifferentialFormat OldFormula OleItem OleItems OleLink OleObject OleObjects OleSize OleUpdateValues OrientationValues Outline OutlineProperties Page PageBreakType PageField PageFields PageItem PageMargins PageOrderValues Pages PageSetup...
LockAnchor LockAspectRatio Model3D Name Nodes Parent ParentGroup PictureFormat Reflection RelativeHorizontalPosition RelativeHorizontalSize RelativeVerticalPosition RelativeVerticalSize Rotation Shadow ShapeStyle SoftEdge TextEffect TextFrame TextFrame2 ThreeD Title Top TopRelative Type VerticalFlip Vertices Visible ...
An object can be anchored to two cells in a spreadsheet using the <xdr:twoCellAnchor> element. The top and left sides (the starting anchor) are anchored with a child element <xdr:from> and the bottom and right sides (ending anchor) are anchored with a child <xdr:to> element. The ...