表面的obi:“Master Qui–Gon?”;实际的obi:“我苦命的马斯特狠心的夫你怎么才来啊啊啊啊安妮已竞走十年了”😭//@猕猴桃棉花糖迷魂汤麻核桃:omg//@satreye:一直把人戏分得很清的我不禁沉默了//@铀236-発電中 : @看电影 #伊万麦克格雷格泪洒欧比旺片场# 连姆·尼森昨日在圣塞电影节见面会上,谈及时隔20余...
Exclusive Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn Incoming (Walmart) ByTony_BacalaonJuly 10, 2023 Hasbro shared out info on two new Star Wars exclusive items going live at Walmart.com next week, July 19th. That’s the start of Walmart Collector Con, coinciding with the start of San Diego Comi...
长方形硬币专门纪念传奇的星球大战™传奇中的第四部电影。科幻电影《星球大战 - 第一集 - 幽灵的威胁™》于 1999 年上映,是《星球大战™》传奇的第一集。这枚硬币由 5 盎司 99.9% 精制银铸造而成,上面印有第一集原始海报彩色的复制品图像。故事情节讲述了绝地武士 Qui-Gon Jinn™ 和 Obi-Wan Kenobi...
“I think it’s a good idea. The only bit that I could get away with doing is after the last one I made, ‘Episode III,’ before Alec Guinness [played Obi-Wan in the original films], there’s that period where he’s in the desert. ...
【Star Wars / 星球大战】(Obi-Wan/Anakin, Anakin/Padme) Come What May 1138 -- 4:56 App 【Star Wars】 Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan | Years 【QO/Quiobi】 4926 1 4:32 App 【钢琴】星球大战(前传1):命运的决斗(Piano Tutorial) 4228 10 3:45 App 星球大战音乐会!!!Anakin vs Obi-Wan 4605 23...
Sold in a print-to-order format for seven days, 2022 Topps Now Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi arrives in "Parts" instead of episodes, but the idea is the same. Each "Part" supplies a five-card summary of the episode for $19.99. In total, there should be 30 cards from six individual set...
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Fans will remember Maul as the Sith Lord who killed Obi-Wan's Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. However, Chow has debunked these rumours and set the record straight. "As long as I’ve been involved, we’ve never had Darth Maul in any of it," she told ...
光剑对决:Darth..个人觉得星战电影中最具技术含量的光剑格斗就是Star Wars Episode I-Phantom Menace里Darth Maul和Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenob