The Star Wars movies tend to portray Obi-Wan as a chaste monk who is not in conflict with his role in the Jedi Order. But Star Wars: The Clone Wars added various shades of gray to the Jedi Master in this regard. In season 2 we meet Duchess Satine, the ruler of Mandalore and an o...
Sometime between the years 41 BBY and 39 BBY,[32] Kenobi and Jinn spent a year on the planet Mandalore protecting Duchess Satine Kryze from insurgents who were threatening her world. Bounty hunters were sent after them, forcing them to live as fugitives, never knowing what the next day woul...
Now some fans may or may not know that in The Clone Wars series Obi-Wan had a semi-romance with a Mandalorian named Duchess Satine Kryze. Satine was killed and as she was dying revealed her feelings for Obi-Wan: Alas, Obi-Wan and Satine never formally became a couple and they never p...