Identifying periods of particular increases in obesity growth can potentially allow us to target more effective interventions. We start with adolescents, investigating the YRBSS which surveys a large cross-section of adolescents every other year. Although we cannot follow Heterogeneity in obesity among ...
Editorial on obesity: a 100-year journey—the past, present and future Jennifer L. Baker Editorial29 Jan 2025 Intramyocellular lipid use is altered with exercise in males with childhood-onset obesity despite no differences in substrate oxidation ...
To the Editor: The main findings of the articles by Dr Ogden and colleagues and Dr Flegal and colleagues were that in recent years the obesity epidemic in the United States among children and adults might be leveling off but that substantial differences continue to exist by race/ethnicity. We...
The key is preventing obesity in the first place, starting in early childhood, Cunningham said. Even when people develop obesity, preventing additional weight gain should be the goal. “It’s really hard to get obesity to reverse at the individual level and at the population level,” Cunningham...
Follow us on Twitter Join theIJOTwitter Community @IntJObesity Follow us to keep up-to-date with the latest research and news fromIJO. Share your views, retweet and give us feedback. Browse articles Western diet since adolescence impairs brain functional hyperemia at adulthood in mice: rescue ...
> But in the 20 years since, the state’s childhood obesity rates have risen to nearly 24% from 21%, reflecting a similar, albeit higher, trajectory than national US rates. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the state obesity rate hit a high of more than 26%. ...
I find one of the challenges for clinicians is how best to sort out patient populations at most risk for the complications of obesity. This is made challenging in the part of the world where the number of people is not just counted in the hundreds of millions (i.e., the US population ...
Obesity in US Children and Adults—Reply In Reply: Drs Sauaia and Byers raise concerns about not including socioeconomic status in our analyses of trends in obesity using NHANES data. The objectives of these articles were to present the most recent national estimates of obesity... Ogden, Cynthi...
Since 1999,there has been a great rise in obesity,particularly in adults,without any"signs of it slowing down,"according to the study's lead researcher,Dr.Craig Hales,at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. What is"very striking"-about this information is that there has been ...
Few resources exist for prospective, longitudinal analysis of the relationships between early life environment and later obesity in large diverse samples of children in the United States (US). In 2016, the National Institutes of Health launched the Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes (...