Another, originally at the Luxor Temple, was moved to the Place de la Concorde in France.The Lateran Obelisk, the tallest one in the world, is now located in Rome, Italy. The Heliopolis Obelisk remains in Cairo, Egypt and is the oldest Egyptian obelisk that remains erect....
Zidan further explained that the design of the obelisk is unique in the world, where the obelisk will be hung on four columns, taking into account the loads and vibrations on the body of the obelisk. The hanging obelisk will be the first artefact to receive the visitor outside the lobby ...
The narrator then notes another aspect of this world: there are enormousobelisks floating above in the atmosphere, moving very slowly and appearing to be made of crystal...(full context) Chapter 6: Damaya, grinding to a halt ...through empty plains, and Damaya notices ruins of old civiliz...
The initial dream of following Job’s words to measure the “edges of the continents” was still rumbling through my mind. We must now measure this line in the opposite direction. This will discover something amazing my Spirit was shouting within my mind as I woke up the following day. Let...