Free updates– Download the latest firmware & software to get new features and keep your adapter up to date. Peace of Mind– Covered by our 3-year warranty & 90-day money-back guarantee. Vehicle Compatibility OBDLink MX Wi-Fiworks with all 1996 & newer model year cars and light trucks so...
Check out all the starting guides and documents for the OBDLink® MX+ from OBDLink®. Purchase your powerful scan tool today!
- OBDLink MX 蓝牙 - OBDLink 蓝牙 - OBDLink MX Wi-Fi - OBDLink WiFi - OBDLink SX USB(Android 3.1 或更新版本) ***该应用程序不适用于任何其他品牌的 OBD 适配器。*** 将您的手机或平板电脑变成一个成熟的诊断扫描工具:读取诊断故障代码、清除“检查引擎”指示灯、检查排放准备情况、估计燃油经济性等等...
Consider purchasing MX or MX+ if you need access to the proprietary GM vehicle networks (GM SW-CAN). Key Features Custom-Designed for FORScan OBDLink EX is recommended by the FORScan team Dealership-level Diganostics OBDLink EX supports...
Consider purchasing MX or MX+ if you need access to the proprietary GM vehicle networks (GM SW-CAN). Key Features Custom-Designed for FORScanOBDLink EX is recommended by the FORScan teamDealership-level DiganosticsOBDLink EX supports all Ford protocols, modules, and advanced features of FORScan...
After my OBDLink MX+ me as updated to 5.6.18, I have not been able to connect 100% automatically. Bluetooth link needs to be manually established prior to opening the app, and even then the connection is not guaranteed: occasionally the attempt will fail, or on rarer occasions it will be...
OBDLink MX Bluetooth is used in the above video, but the process is the same for all OBDLink devices.Once plugged in, the 'Power' LED will turn solid green.For Wi-Fi models, the 'Wi-Fi' light will emit a flash every 3 seconds....