Below, you will find a full OBD2 code list with all the P-codes, which means that all these codes appear when there is trouble with the engine or drivetrain. Some of the codes down below have links, which means that we have a more in-depth article written about them to repair your ...
(P0000~P0999)SAE统一规定的部份: 故障码(P0000~P0131) OBD II码内容 P0000没有故障(FORD) P0100空气流量计线路不良 P0101空气流量计不良(讯号值错误) P0102空气流量计线路输入电压太低 P0103空气流量计线路输入电压太高 P0104空气流量计线路间歇故障 P0105空气压力传感器线路不良或无讯号输出(FORD) P0106空...
OBD-II标准故障码检索表: 故障码(P0330~P0376) 故障码(P0377-P0417) 故障码(P0418~P0468) 故障码(P0469~P0566) 故障码(P0567-P0704) 故障码(P0704~P0741) 故障码(P0741~P0772) 故障码(P0773~P0790) 故障码(P0330~P0376) OBD II码 内 容 P0330 引擎在2000RPM以上一直没有收到爆震信号(...
This is the “fine” description of the trouble code and for example, P0420 means there is an issue at Bank 1, while the code P0421 means the issue is at bank 2. While the engine codes are quite logical, it’s very difficult to remember all of these OBD codes. I’ve created a ...
OBD2故障码定义 一)BOD-II的特点: 1.统一车种诊断座形状为16PIN。 2.上有数值分析资料传输功能(DATALINKCONNECTOR简称DLC)。 3.统一各车种相同故障代码及意义。 4.具有行车记录器功能。 5.具有重新显示记忆故障码功能。 6.具有可由仪器直接清除故障码功能。 (二)DLC诊断座统一标准: 1.DLC诊断座为统一16...