Over the years, the federal government has used various remedies they said would “fix” healthcare. Have they worked? Let’s compare their promises to our reality, starting with the latest and greatest–the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare. Obamacare — Promises Versus Reality Details and proof...
Major Issues that the large employers are facing currently due to introduction of PPACA is the ever increasing costs of healthcare. Current year has seen a soaring 78% increase in health premiums for basic health coverage. An estimate of cost per employee for large employers (more than 10000 ...
Many of Trump's efforts to rein in drug prices have either been temporary or not immediately effective, according to some health policy experts. On the campaign trail, the former president has also provided few specifics about his plans for lowering those costs. Some of Harris' proposals...
ObamaCareFacts is a free informational site. It's privately owned, and is not owned, operated, or endorsed by the US federal government or state governments. Our contributors have over a decade of experience writing about health insurance. However, we do not offer professional official legal, ...
…the tax break is poorly targeted because it applies even to high-cost “Cadillac” health plans. The tax system should not artificially encourage Cadillac plans, which boost demand for medical services and drive up health care costs for everyone. Although the Cadillac tax does not directly ...
lower the out-of-pocket costs. Don’t buy health insurance without understanding actuarial value and deductibles. The cheapest up-front cost option won’t always be the best, or least expensive overall, one for you and your family. Learn about thetypes of health plans sold on the market...
Prescription drug costs: Expensive weight loss drugs are covered by plans for specific conditions, and these drugs and similar pricey medications are increasing overall costs.7 How to Save Money on Obamacare Health Insurance Here are some quick strategies for limiting how much you pay for...
Despite the worst roll-out conceivable, the Affordable Care Act seems to be working. After decades of rising percentages of Americans’ lacking health insurance, theuninsured rate has droppedto its lowest levels since 2008. Meanwhile, the rise in health care costs has slowed drastically. No one ...
Except that, as the Supreme Court is about to remind us, the president did exactly what he wanted, though he may not want it so much any more. Americans, who by now were supposed to be falling in love with the health care law’s new benefits (the costs of which were deferred until...
Obamacare and no tort reform, Why healthcare costs skyrocketed, Why there is a doctor shortage, Obama and democrats in bed with attorneys and trial lawyersObamacare and no tort reformWhy healthcare costs skyroc...