The Health Insurance Exchange Marketplace is an online marketplace for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). The Federal marketplace is HealthCare.Gov.
Obamacare Exchange Watch: Low Healthcare Costs or California Dreaming?Trudy Lieberman
California’s health insurance exchange said 217,146 people have newly signed up for Obamacare coverage after nearly two months of open enrollment. The Covered California exchange said Tuesday the number of applications slowed during the holidays, but it remains confident of reaching its 2015 goal ...
The California Republican Assembly has come under attack this week, which critics claim is a "deceptive" website meant to dissuade Californians from signing up on the state health care exchange. Though it launched in August, the site made waves this week after a numb...
If health insurance companies choose to leave the insurance exchanges, which is the most likely response, it could catalyze the collapse of the Obamacare exchange system, making it more difficult for members of Congress to wait on implementing a repeal and replace bill. And here are passages ...
But the California deal could act as a spur to beef up compliance, said Danetz. “The settlement agreement really provides a template for what all of the exchanges should be doing,” she said, calling it “a very concrete example for other states and the federal exchange to look at.” ...
The state says there will be no major price hikes for health plans available through its exchange.
mainland to Hawaii is California—but the Aloha State couldn't be farther away from the Golden State when it comes to getting the most out of federal money to enroll people in Obamacare. Hawaii's Obamacare exchange, which has been allocated more than $205 million in federal funds, had ...
California’s Obamacare exchange announced two weeks ago it had signed up more than 18,000 residents during the grace period there, or more than one-quarter of’s current tally. Kevin Counihan, CEO of, said in a press release Monday, “We understand the requi...
on or off exchange 02. Can provide more than only Health insurance with a domain that says “Insurance Exchange” and there is, and forever will only be, one [State] or Obamacare [State] domain name. #1 most compelling reason made by Google: ...