There are many types of health insurance plans you can buy during the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”) Open Enrollment Period (OEP). Get information about the types of health insurance now available and select the health plan that’s best suited to your needs. What is Obamacare?
美国的许多学校选择与保险公司合作为本校学生提供学生医疗保险计划(Student Health Insurance Plan)。这种保险计划一般用于学生在校外就医,如住院,专科医生,校外急诊,处方药,化验检查后帮助投保的学生报销部分医疗费。根据平价医疗法案的规定,美国学校为学生提供的学生医疗保险计划要达到PPACA 法案的要求。主要是必须提供法案...
It notes that the Congressional Budget Office released preliminary estimates implying that the health care proposals would cost one trillion dollars. It adds that aside from the costs, the insurance industry belie...
The proposed ObamaCare health insurance rules and regulations are in. The new ObamaCare health insurance rules dictate the minimum standards of all health insurance plans sold off and on the exchange.
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The study, which examined the years 2008 to 2010, found that health insurance premiums for people buying coverage on their own—not as part of an employer-provided plan—grew more than 10 percent on average. Hemera Technologies | / 360 | Getty Images ...
Let's clear the air about ObamaCare and health insurance cancellation. Many thought they could keep their plan, but found their health insurance policy cancelled
During the last election, bothHilaryClintonand Obama proposed ahealth care plan to cover the approximately 45 million Americanswho don’t have insurance at some point during the year. The maindifference between Obama’s and Clinton’s proposals was thatClinton’s plan would have required all Ameri...
美国总统奥巴马政府通告健康改革迫于竞争对手的压力,计划可能会放缓。 Ms Sebelius said the "public option" plan was "not the essential element" Mr Obama has been pressing for a government-run scheme to extend healthcare insurance to some 46 million people in the US. ...
Many are skeptical of