Bun Cha Vietnam with President Obama: President Obamawas served Bun Cha after his busy day in Hanoi at a popular restaurant on Le Van Huu Street, where he tasted this traditional Vietnamese dish. On the evening of May 23, 2016, neighborhoods like Thi Sach, Le Van Huu, and Ngo Thi Nh...
For an upcoming episode ofParts Unknown,Anthony Bourdainwas joined by presidentBarack Obamafor a casual meal in Hanoi. On May 22, the two feasted on Bun Cha, a typical Hanoi dish, and Bourdain is now spilling the details on what it was like to eat Vietnamese food with the leader of t...
Bun cha! It was THEIRS! Their proud local specialty! And Hanoi beer too! They couldn’t get over it. And on a low plastic stool, in the kind of place they always ate. The effect was extraordinary. I cannot possibly overstate the warmth with which he was received by the Vietnamese ...
Parts Unknown, le président des États-Unis accepted’aller casser la croûtedans un rade improbable lors d’un voyage officiel au Viêt Nam. Dans ce resto ouvert depuis deux décennies et baptisé Bun Cha Huong, les deux compères s...