当Shiro集成到Spring mvc中,却发现shiro的权限注解不起作用,官方的配置是要支持注解,只需要将以下代码加到spring 配置文件中即可:因为
spring security 5.x oauth2 client [invalid_request] security 授权重定向请求中没有包含需要的参数 OAuth2ParameterNames.CODE OAuth2ParameterNames.STATE
invalid_request– 请求缺少参数、包含无效参数、多次包含参数或无效。 access_denied– 用户或授权服务器拒绝了请求 unauthorized_client– 不允许客户端使用此方法请求授权代码,例如,如果机密客户端尝试使用隐式授权类型。 unsupported_response_type– 服务器不支持使用此方法获取授权代码,例如,如果授权服务器从未实现隐式...
Hi I'm testing the Implicit Grant Type and got the error "The grant type was not specified in the request" {"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"The grant type was not specified in the request","result":"false"} The following i...
Request URL: Method: GET Status Code:401Remote Address:响应头: Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin Access-Control-Allow-Headers: x-requested-with, authorization Access-Control-Allow-Methods: *Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *Access...
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"AADSTS28000: Provided value for the input parameter scope is not valid because it contains more than one resource. Scope offline_access https://graph.microsoft.com/user.read https://graph.microsoft.com/mail.readwrite https://outlook.office365.co...
Request URL: Request Method: GET Status Code: 401 Remote Address: 响应头: Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin Access-Control-Allow-Headers: x-requested-with, authorization
$response->setError(400, 'invalid_request', 'The grant type was not specified in the request'); return null; } when I var_dumped the $request object, this is what I see: object(OAuth2\Request)#8 (8) { ["attributes"]=> array(0) { } ["request"]=> array(0) { } ["query"]...
invalid_client error - oauth2 I am trying to use the oauth2 authentication and I am retrieving a code from the oauth/v2/auth GET request as expected but I am getting an error on the POST - here is a redacted version of my http debugging output (the XXXX represent valid client_ids ...