在Snowflake控制台上创建一个OAuth集成,并获取OAuth集成的client_id、client_secret和redirect_uri。 创建一个Python脚本,并导入snowflake.connector和webbrowser模块: 创建一个Python脚本,并导入snowflake.connector和webbrowser模块: 使用以下代码片段创建一个OAuth2Session对象并获取授权URL: 使用以下代码片段创建一个OAuth...
Register OAuth Client With Snowflake To use a custom OAuth setup inTableau Server, you must first register your OAuth client and obtain a Client ID and Client Secret to complete the configuration. For Tableau Server versions 2024.2 and later, this step is required, regardless of which configurati...
For information on configuring your IDP, see External OAuth overview(Link opens in a new window) in Snowflake's help system. Configure the IDP on Tableau Create OAuth clients on the IDP for Tableau Desktop, and on Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server. The Desktop client enables PKCE(Link opens ...
Snowflake OAuth authorization flow The OAuth authorization flow is as follows: In the client, the user attempts to connect to Snowflake using OAuth. The application sends an authorization request to the Snowflake authorization server, which in turn displays an authorization screen that asks the ...
client_id: The OAuth client ID client_secret: the OAuth client secret Creating a Snowflake OAuth connection with the QuickSight APIs After you create a secret in Secrets Manager that contains your Snowflake OAuth credentials and havve connected your QuickSight account to Secrets Manager, ...
基于Spring Boot 2.x的一站式前后端分离快速开发平台XBoot 微信小程序+Uniapp 前端:Vue+iView Admin 后端:Spring Boot 2.x/Spring Security/JWT/JPA+Mybatis-Plus/Redis/Elasticsearch/Activiti 分布式限流/同步锁/验证码/SnowFlake雪花算法ID 动态权限 数据权限 工作流 代码生成 定时任务 社交账号 短信登录 单点...
"surveymonkey": { "key": "MASHERY_USER_NAME", "secret": "CLIENT_SECRET", "custom_params": {"api_key": "CLIENT_ID"} } Twitter Twitter OAuth 1.0a custom scope parameter can be specified in two ways: "twitter": { "custom_params": {"x_auth_access_type": "read"} } "twitter":...
Connect to your data stored in Snowflake and Salesforce Data Cloud using OAuth so that you don't have to share passwords.
The secret in this function’s argument must include: A TYPE parameter specifying a value of oauth2. An API_AUTHENTICATION parameter specifying a security integration containing details (such as OAuth client ID, secret, authorization endpoint, and token endpoint) about the service provider for which...
signin client_id Yes Client ID provided by your OAuth2 app. client_secret Yes Client secret provided by your OAuth2 app. auth_url Yes Authorization endpoint of your OAuth2 provider. token_url Yes Endpoint used to obtain the OAuth2 access token. api_url Yes Endpoint used to obtain user in...