As a surgeon I took a different oath, but I agree with the principles/attributes of leadership - they should be universal. I hope & trust that our military and law enforcement officers do indeed hold true to their Oaths if the SHTF. Bravo for an excellent first book. I look forward to...
Oath Keepers encourages members – some of whom are current and former U.S. military and law enforcement officers – not to obey orders they believe would violate the United States Constitution. The website publishes news stories from other sources such asBloomberg:Trump Enlists Trey Gowdy to He...
In his inaugural speech in Washington on Monday, the 47th president promised to reverse actions taken against military members who declined to follow the Covid-19 vaccine mandate, which Congress repealed in 2023. “This week, I will reinstate any service members w...
In the second half of the 19th century, Serbian kings, ministers, MPs, judges, senior and junior civil servants of the central and local government`s, military officers, elementary school teachers, high school teachers as well as proffesors at the University (Velika...
The names of hundreds of U.S. law enforcement officers, elected officials and military members appear on the leaked membership rolls of afar-right extremist group that's accused of playing a key role in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, according to a report released We...
Custom design metal engraved 3d military security canine officers collectible law enforcement silver plated working police dog oath k9 challenge coin Material Iron / brass / copper / zinc alloy /Stainless steel etc...
Since1901,allinauguralceremoniesattheUnitedStatesCapitolhavebeenorganizedbytheJointCongressionalCommittee Attendees thepublicMembersofCongressSupremeCourtjusticeshigh-rankingmilitaryofficersformerpresidentslivingMedalofHonorrecipientsotherdignitariesTheoutgoingpresident InaugurationDayEvents Whilethepeacefultransferofpowerhasoccurred...
off and hidden, for we had not enough to get along with; my mother, having taken the oath as soon as she returned to the low country, some time before, applied67 to the military authorities, and a corporal and three men were detailed68 to assist in recovering what we could find... ...
military, by stoking fears of gun control and expanded welfare rolls and by exploiting resentment created by the severe economic recession (the Great Recession) that began in late 2007. The report also warned that “lone wolves and small terrorist cells embracing violent rightwing extremist ideology...