Presidential Oath of OfficeBibleconstitutional lawSo help me GodINTRODUCTION ... 854Jonassen, Frederick Bsocial science electronic publishing
“The Democrats are fighting hard to get rid of the Popular Vote in future Elections. They want all future Presidential elections to be based exclusively on the Electoral College!” Trumpwroteon Truth Social earlier this month. All presidential elections are ...
Inauguration Day and Presidential Oath InaugurationDayandPresidentialOath GroupMembers:周颖熊丹肖艳雷蕾黄琦熊文静 DetailsaboutInaugurationDay•InaugurationDayoccursintheUSAonceeveryfouryearsonJanuary20.Itoccursintheyearafterpresidentialelectionshavebeenheld.Thenewtermsofofficeofthepresidentandvicepresidentofficiallybegin...
Roberts Flubs Word to Obama in Presidential Oath of Office
Presidential Oath of OfficeBibleconstitutional law"So help me God"This Article focuses on the argument that the first presidential inauguration provides no historical or legal support for the spatchcocking of "So help me God"Social Science Electronic Publishing...
Rosen, James