Tunisia's re-elected President Kais Saied (Front) speaks at the Tunisian Parliament in Tunis, Tunisia, on Oct. 21, 2024. Saied took an oath on Monday at the Assembly of People's Representatives' headquarters, the Tunisian Parliament. (Tunisian Presidency/Handout via Xinhua)...
87.Gerald Ford - Oath of Office GeraldR.FordAddressAfterTakingtheOathofthePresidency delivered9August1974EastRoomoftheWhiteHouseWashington.DC Mr.ChiefJustice.mydearfriends.myfellowAmericans. TheoaththatIhavetakenisthesameoaththatwastakenbyGeorgeWashingtonandbyeveryPresidentunderthe...
What you need to know: Hichilema, 59, took the oath of office before thousands of jubilant supporters gathered at the Heroes Stadium in the capital Lusaka, sporting the red and yellow regalia of his United Party for National Development. Zambia's newly-elected leader Hakainde Hichilema was ...
while every bit as toxic as Trump were both more intelligent and were better able to cover the darkness of their amoral souls with a modicum of respectability, with the exception of one; the publisher of the infamous newspaper Der Sturmer, and Gauleiter of Nuremberg, Julius Streicher. ...
And I hope that such prayers will also be the first of many. If you have not chosen me by secret ballot, neither have I gained office by any secret promises. I have not campaigned either for the Presidency or the Vice Presidency. I have not subscribed to any partisan platform. I am ...
A deadly strain of flu is ravaging the United States as spring floods decimate the Southeast. An unethical senator wants to bring down the Ryan presidency and is willing to lean on fabricated bot-planted stories to do it. But the scariest story is the most closely guarded one. Two ...
You are using myoath of officeagainst me... that is dirty pool. Koristišzakletvu dužnostiprotiv mene, to je prljav potez. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 I will not demean the presidency by taking any pledge other than theoath of office. ...
In order to understand the history behind the Presidency and the individuals that held the office, we must look at the beginnings. Forty four men from every walk of life have taken on the responsibility and the burdens of becoming the President of the United States. These Inaugural Addresses ...
So, while it’s unclear whether the White House’s LGBT rights page will ultimately be replaced by a new feed with the mark of this new presidency, many Americans view the disappearance of the former page as an unsettling sign of things to come. ...
Article I of the Constitution spells out the structure and requirements of the House of Representatives and Senate (the Congress) and what powers they have. Article II establishes the Office of the Presidency and delineates his powers and limitations. ...