:a solemn attestation of the truth or inviolability of one's words The witness took anoathto tell the truth in court. b :something (such as a promise)corroboratedby an oath They were required to swear anoathof loyalty. took theoathof office ...
The meaning of OATH is a solemn usually formal calling upon God or a god to witness to the truth of what one says or to witness that one sincerely intends to do what one says. How to use oath in a sentence.
今天,我的就职宣誓也是对全体美国人的效忠宣誓。 Theoathof office Itaketoday isanoathof allegiance to all Americans. 今天我的就职誓言是对所有美国人的效忠。 For example, athletestakeanOlympicOathas part of the ceremony. 举例来说,运动员们将奥林匹克誓言作为开幕式的一项。
Phrases similar to "to swear an oath" with translations into Chinese to swear an oath (of office) 宣誓 Add example Translations of "to swear an oath" into Chinese in sentences, translation memory Declension Stem Match words all exact any The King and his successors were bound to ...
The Oath of Office in the Sphere of Food Production, Food Distribution and Utilization of Resources within the Urban Community The Example of Late Medieval and Early Modern Silesian and Moravian TownsDuring the significant period between late medieval times (15th century) and the end of early ...
Lyndon Johnson, for example, took his hurried oath of office on a Catholic missal that had belonged to John F. Kennedy, who had been assassinated that day, noted an article in the New York Timesfrom January 20, 2025.. Similarly, Theodore Roosevelt didn’t use a Bible ...
Origin ofoath1 First recorded before 900;Middle Englishoth,Old Englishāth;cognate withGothicaiths,Old Norseeidhr,GermanEid Discover More Idioms and Phrases Idioms take an oath,to swear solemnly;vow. Discover More Example Sentences "That correction would have revealed to the jury not just that Sn...
affirmation in lieu of an oath 名词 declaration in lieu of an oath statement in lieu of an oath 名词 oath[əʊθ,美oʊθ]名词 1. oath(promise): oath Eidm<-(e)s, -e> tobreakone'soath seinenSchwurbrechen todeclareunderoath ...
*| seek/accept/leave/resign office as a cabinet minister 谋求[接受/放弃/辞退]内阁阁员的职务 *| the office of mayor 市长职位 *| His political party has been out of office (ie has not formed a government) for many years. 他们政党已在野多年. *| Which political party is in office in ...