Currently, there have been a wide range of commercially available oat products such as oat flour, oat flakes, oatmeal, granola bars, and oat milk in the market. In general, oat grains can be categorized as hulled oats (Avena sativa L.) and naked oats (Avena nuda L.). Depending on the...
langsethiae after inoculation at early (booting, heading, flowering) or late (flowering, milk, dough)Heidi Udnes Aamot & Hesam Mousavi & Jafar Razzaghian & Guro Brodal &\u001FMichael Sulyok & Rudolf Krska & Simon G. Edwards & Ingerd S. Hofgaard...
langsethiae after inoculation at early (booting, heading, flowering) or late (flowering, milk, dough) growth stages in three oat varieties in greenhouse experiments. The varieties had previously shown different levels of resistance to F. graminearum : Odal, Vinger (both moderately resistant), and...