英文名称:Oasis Management (Hong Kong) 公司现状:仍注册 公司类别:注册非香港公司 成立日期:2003-04-09 注册编号:F0012592(点击查看企业详情) 历史名称:2019年1月24日 Oasis Management (Hong Kong) 1 2011年7月4日 Oasis Management (Hong Kong) LLC 1 2003年4月9日 DKR Oasis (Hong Kong) LLC ...
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and not by any other Oasis affiliate including but not limited to Oasis Management (Hong Kong) and Oasis Management (Japan) Ltd. The content contained in the Investment, Research, and Commentary sections of this Website are provided for information purposes only. Nothing contained herein is ...
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香港--(美國商業資訊)--Oasis Management Company Ltd. (“Oasis”)今日宣佈Pru Bennett已加入其諮詢委員會。 Pru之前曾任BlackRock董事總經理及BlackRock亞太區投資管理團隊主管,彼時駐香港辦公的她領導一支負責參與和代理投票活動的團隊。 Pru現加入Oasis諮詢委員會,委員會的當前成員還包括英國金融市場行為監管局和香港...
2021-07-15日华菱钢铁(000932)发布公告称:国泰君安证券王彤,魏雨迪、Oasis Management(Hong Kong)吴嘉伟于2021-07-13日调研我司,本次调研由刘笑非,王音负责接待。 本次调研主要内容: 1、能否分享公司对下半年中国钢铁行业的看法?答:从供需情况看,在“双碳”背景下,钢铁行业二十年的产能扩大大周期基本结束,随着“...
Oasis Management是一家私人投资管理公司,专注于亚洲的短期和长期项目。 Oasis is a private investment fund management company which focuses primarily on Asia. The firm manages global, market neutral, multi-strategy funds in Hong Kong, Texas and Tel Aviv. It operated offices in London, Singapore, Sydn...
HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oasis Management Company Ltd. (“Oasis”), the manager to funds that beneficially own shares of the Hoshizaki Corporation (“Hoshizaki” or “the Company”), today comments on Hoshizaki’s November 7 announcements (“Notice Concerning Efforts to Improve Corporate Value...
HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oasis Management Company Ltd. (“Oasis”), the manager to funds that beneficially own shares of the Hoshizaki Corporation (“Hoshizaki” or “the Company”), today comments on Hoshizaki’s November 7 announcements (“Notice Concerning Efforts to Improve Corporate Value...
HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 16, 2024--Oasis Management Company Ltd.(“Oasis”), the manager to funds holding over 5% of the shares inKao Corporation(4452 JT) (“Kao” or the “Company”), strongly disputes recent statements by Kao that we believe mischaracterize Kao’s level en...