We offer Acupuncture, Colon Hydro-Therapy, Ion Detox Foot Treatment, Gua Sha (Gwa'Sha'), Cupping, Ion Detox Foot Treatment, Colon Hydrotherapy, Acupuncture, and much more. We recognize your birthright to claim Health, Happiness and a Peaceful Heart. We f
CMS, as part of its quality mission, strives to use the NQF review and endorsement process for publicly reported measures.The NQF endorsement process is a multistep process that includes representatives from mul- tiple stakeholder groups including the home healthcare industry, the trad...
The Axxess Home Health mobile application now enables clinicians to use the OASIS scrubber when completing an OASIS assessment from a mobile device. The OASIS scrubber can be used to audit OASIS assessments for clinical inconsistencies, coding inconsistencies, fatal audits and CMS warnings, so clinicia...
In addition to providing the latest information available on OASIS issues as disseminated from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), this new column will deliver to the reader the latest answers to OASIS data set questions posed to CMS by agencies and home care clinicians.Niewen...
CMS encourages collaboration, so an assessing therapist may assist with these items. The last two new items comprise the J section and assess Health Conditions Related to Falls. These items are: J1800 Any Falls Since Start of Care or Resumption of Care (included in the Transfer to Inpatient ...
CMS’s Hospice Quality Reporting Program, and the CMS Home Health Value Based Purchasing Technical Assistance Contract. She served as the President and a Founding Member of the OASIS Certificate and Competency Board (OCCB), and continues to oversee the COS-C Exam as Chair of the Exam Review ...
While the process for submitting OASIS assessments to CMS has changed, the process of generating the OASIS export files out of Axxess Home Health has not. The steps to complete both are outlined below. Generate OASIS Export Files To generate an OASIS export file in Axxess Home Health: ...
I have worked with Jon and Lisa within the home healthcare business for over 5 years. During that time they have continually shown me how driven to succeed at helping home health agencies become successful and improving time to RAP, assuring accurate coding and how important it is to know ab...
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Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to force home health agencies (HHAs) to submit Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) data on time in 2012. It says that the Office of Inspector General (OIG) ordered the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to determine all...